Halfway through the core… and enjoying every minute of it… HONESTLY

It’s been more than 3 months since I arrived in Vancouver to begin a new life on many levels: to begin a postgraduate program I’ve been looking forward to for years, to begin a new life in a new country and to move my career into business.
As a Venezuelan communications specialist, I have been in wonder in this new life. It honestly has exceeded my expectations in many ways. First of all, Vancouver has been unbelievable. It is an amazing city, with so many parks and such amazing wildlife (I love seeing seals near Stanley park).

But mostly, I am so grateful for all the kindness I have received here. Since my very first day, I have been shown the city and received great advice from classmates, MBA Office and profs. Just after leaving my suitcases in a tiny room at Place Vanier (a freshman campus residence turned hostel during the summer), I found a public phone and called a classmate I had been chatting with over our class Facebook group. Since then, I have had the help of so many people for everything: moving into my new place, putting my furniture together, giving me a ride to get groceries (I like to cook, so getting a ride there and back was REALLY useful).

The MBA program at Sauder is designed so that you can build a network that will last you for a lifetime. I have always found a helping hand here, whether it’s for discussing class issues or help settling down and in your everyday life. That has made my experience all the more valuable. Meeting people, helping them and receiving their insight is even more valuable because we are all from such different backgrounds. It is one thing to know general geography and read the paper, and another to hear about people’s personal experience with a particular economic policy, company strategy, etc.
Even though I am only a few months into the program, I know for certain that I am now part of the Sauder circle and will be proud to be part of it for life.

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Next month, I would like to discuss our experience of being business students through this economic and financial upstart that is changing the way we conceive business today.

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