Biodiversity for Climate Action: Upcoming CCUB Report

Although biodiversity loss and climate change are priority issues on both local and national government agendas, they are sometimes perceived as separate challenges with significant trade-offs in resource allocation. However, more often than not, they are interconnected issues that can both impact or resolve one another. As part of the Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE), UBC Climate Crisis in Urban Biodiversity (CCUB) is developing a report to help illustrate some of these intersecting areas.

A draft graphic from the report, displaying the complexity of interactions between climate, biodiverse ecoystems and their human inhabitants.

Entitled “UBC Vancouver Campus: Urban Biodiversity for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation” and developed in collaboration with experts across UBC faculty and operational staff, the report will aim to showcase two key types of research that can offer insight on leveraging biodiverse ecosystems as climate mitigation and adaptation solutions.

First and foremost, the report highlights applied, interdisciplinary student-led research projects that demonstrate the functions and services provided by the campus ecosystem in the face of climate change. This research is also supported by a breadth of external academic research, to bridge any knowledge gaps that have not yet been investigated on campus.

By combining these sources of knowledge, the report will be a strong resource in supporting climate action on campus, with the added effect of encouraging natural interventions and green infrastructure on campus. The report is still in development, with ongoing research efforts to inform the review of literature.

Estimated Completion: Mid December, 2021


Past and Current SEEDS Team Members

Laura Arango, Alison Chadwick, Joshua Azza, Ben Scheufler, Liska Richer

CCUB Steering Committee Members

Campus Biodiversity Initiative: Research & Demonstration (CBIRD) Steering Committee Members


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