Tag: Maintaining and Enhancing Biodiversity

  • Biodiversity for Climate Action: Upcoming CCUB Report

    Biodiversity for Climate Action: Upcoming CCUB Report

    Biodiversity for Climate Action: Upcoming CCUB Report

    Biodiversity for Climate Action: Upcoming CCUB Report

    Although biodiversity loss and climate change are priority issues on both local and national government agendas, they are sometimes perceived as separate challenges with significant trade-offs in resource allocation. However, more often than not, they are interconnected issues that can both impact or resolve one another. As part of the Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE), UBC Climate Crisis in Urban Biodiversity (CCUB) is developing a report to help illustrate some of these intersecting areas.

    A draft graphic from the report, displaying the complexity of interactions between climate, biodiverse ecoystems and their human inhabitants.

    Entitled “UBC Vancouver Campus: Urban Biodiversity for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation” and developed in collaboration with experts across UBC faculty and operational staff, the report will aim to showcase two key types of research that can offer insight on leveraging biodiverse ecosystems as climate mitigation and adaptation solutions.


    Although biodiversity loss and climate change are priority issues on both local and national government agendas, they are sometimes perceived as separate challenges with significant trade-offs in resource allocation. However, more often than not, they are interconnected issues that can both impact or resolve one another. As part of the Program for Undergraduate Research Experience…

  • David Suzuki Foundation’s Butterflyway Project: A SEEDS Citizen Science Collaboration

    David Suzuki Foundation’s Butterflyway Project: A SEEDS Citizen Science Collaboration

    David Suzuki Foundation’s Butterflyway Project: A SEEDS Citizen Science Collaboration

    David Suzuki Foundation’s Butterflyway Project: A SEEDS Citizen Science Collaboration
    Cross-posted from the UBC Botanical Garden’s Sustainability Blog

    UBC biology student Alex Wong shares his insights from working with the citizen science project, the Butterflyway Project, and the importance of citizen science in nurturing people’s love for nature and involvement in conservation. 

    In late 2020, a collaborative effort between UBC Botanical Garden, the David Suzuki Foundation (DSF), Dr. Michelle Tseng, Assistant Professor of Botany at UBC, and local butterfly enthusiasts dedicated their time to construct a citizen science framework for the DSF’s Butterflyway Project.

    Our weekly Wednesday night meetings were spent developing and preparing a plan for the 2021 butterfly season. Ultimately, the team split in half, and two goals for the season were laid out: 1) launch transects across the lower mainland with the help of Butterflyway Rangers, and 2) host a bioblitz for schools across BC that joined the Butterflyway Project in 2020.


    Cross-posted from the UBC Botanical Garden’s Sustainability Blog UBC biology student Alex Wong shares his insights from working with the citizen science project, the Butterflyway Project, and the importance of citizen science in nurturing people’s love for nature and involvement in conservation.  In late 2020, a collaborative effort between UBC Botanical Garden, the David Suzuki Foundation (DSF),…

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