A7: Movement | Marissa

In this exercise, I mapped a frequent running route with visual annotations of all of the small changes in movements I make while out during the pandemic. There is more stopping and starting, winding paths, and subtle detours to maintain a safe distance from other pedestrians while traveling at a faster pace than people who are out walking.

For the in-class exercise, I looked at a set of stairs at a nearby park. The stairs are relatively new along a steep hill, but they are very steep and have a short riser, making them very uncomfortable to travel over. As a result, there is a desire path immediately next to the stair case, any many people choose to use this instead.

A7 \ Movement \ Jonathan Behnke

I observed cyclists and pedestrians traveling up the 100 Street Funicular and stairs to commute to downtown Edmonton. I also examined my own movement up and down the stairs at various speeds, both running and walking.

In Class Work \ Indoor Stairs and Handrail


In Class Exercise: Inspecting my flight of stairs
Plan View: How do cats interact with a staircase?


Link to Accompanying Video ^^^^

A7- Movement

Katie Hunks

In Class Assignment: Mapping an Interior Space

Looking at different door types in a single hallway

Journey from Interior to Exterior

Examining material of spaces in plan view while plotting path taken
Navigating changes in level along with details of doorknob and handrail

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