a8_Wenwen Zhuang

Turning in

The drawing documents 3 types of sounds inculding the vehical, bird, kids in colour of black, red, and purple. The sound zones and strength of the sounds may varies by its time, locations and site conditions. For example, the barrier of the tree on the site is one of the main elements affects the movement of the vehical sound. The size of the tree will determind how the verhical noise is reduced. Other sounds may be affected by the building. The Building can return the sound back to our ears.


I twined my shoe lace on the beam of the roof structure to observe how the wind is moving in a rainy and windy afternoon. The wind foce is closely affecting the movement of the shoe lace.

A8 \ Tuning in and Windplay \ Jonathan Behnke

I played with Juhani Pallasmaa’s concept of using the ear to “carve a volume into the void of darkness” by visiting the Quarry Garden at Queen Elizabeth Park at dusk.

I created an object for wind to play with out of materials from my recycling bin. In an absence of natural wind strong enough to make noise, gusts were artificially created in a controlled indoor environment by waving a bath towel. A slow-motion video (10% speed) can be viewed below. The audio is played back in normal time (100% speed).

In Class Work \ Backyard Sounds

A8_Tuning In_Bruce

In class exercise: Taking in the sounds outside my house
Different sounds measured through time and intensity from a lookout point on the Fraser River
How the sounds function to blend, dominate or disappear
Panorama view of the site


Link to accompanying recording ^^

A8 | Tuning in & Windplay | Yette Gram

Tuning In Assignment

Construction: A Fantasia for Concert Band

This animation shares the auditory experience of living and working across the street from a construction site.

Tuning In

Visual Notetaking from a Soundwalk at Queen Elizabeth Park

Windplay | In Class Exercise

Visual Notetaking of the distance fallen leaves are carried by the wind

A8 – Sound – Josh Fender

For this assignment I went out into my backyard at night and listened. Compared to the daytime sounds I noticed that most noise was indistinguishable.

Night time sound observations sketch
Day time sound observations sketch

A8- Tuning in & Windplay

Katie Hunks

In Class Assignment: Analyzing Sound

Contextualizing the space
Depicting sound observations: darker colour indicates louder sound, arrangement of line depicts path and frequency of movement

Tuning In: An Experiment in Auditory Observation

Diagramming the process — see link below for sound clips


Documenting results of the experiment
Graphing the results


The object– see link below for video


A8:Tuning in & Windplay | Vicky Cen

In class exercise

When I was standing at my backyard, I heard three types of sound: wind chime, neighbor talking, and noise in the atmosphere. I labelled their relationship as I am inside the cube. Then I recorded their frequency and duration in the diagram above.

Assignment 8


I chose to use a more abstract drawing to visualize the sound experience for this assignment. I was standing outside of my house with my eyes closed. I hear and I imagine. This drawing is how I felt at that moment. I forgot about the physical world and I would imagine I am standing in the darkness. It was chilly outside. I heard dry leaves jumping on the ground. I heard a bus and a bird in far. There was a hammer or some smashes that was not loud but unpleasant. And these sounds were wrapped by a wave of noise in the atmosphere. I was in the center of a tornado. I felt insignificant and weak compared to that noise. I felt like I was standing on a wire. The noise seemed like holding me in balance on a wire, but it was actually pulling and pushing me in all directions.


I made three pinwheels with three types of paper material: regular printing paper, flyer, tracing paper. They have different weights so I want to compare their movements in the wind.

It was not windy outside so I just blew them……

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