A9_Smell Notes_Bruce

In Class Exercise: Examining how cats smell

Link to video:


Notice what piece of clothing she darts too upon first whiff.. and how much time she spends smelling it.. animals seem to tolerate what humans don’t (wet soccer socks)

Smell walk before dinner (icons sized based on strength of smell)

Legend (along path starting from bottom middle left)

*smell was so strong I could taste some of it too

  1. sulfur*
  2. sweet and sour sauce
  3. soy sauce
  4. rice
  5. chicken
  6. sugar*
  7. candy
  8. door dash*
  9. burning*
  10. oaky*
  11. steak
  12. air freshener*
  13. burning rubber*

A9: Smell Notes – Marissa

For this assignment, I considered how smell is associated with memory. A commercial bakery near my home releases a very potent smell during late night and early morning baking. The smell is initially pleasant from a reasonable distance, but becomes overwhelming and unappealing when sensed at close proximity. The following map indicates my emotional response to the smell based on proximity, as well as personal memory-based collages that each stage of the smell-experience prompts.

In-Class Exercise: Self Defined
If smell was a space – the moldy storage locker

A9_Smell Notes_Duncan

Ever since I moved to Vancouver the katsura tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) has captured my imagination. Somehow when the leaves turn colour and fall they smell almost overwhelmingly sweet, like burnt sugar (as though there was a giant crème brûlée in the lane — a scaled-up version of the one my father makes with his butane kitchen torch). This animation represents the haptic and olfactory experience of walking under one of these trees in autumn, during which all other sensory inputs dissolve away.

A9-Wenting Yang

Study of smell in a spaces.

The orange dash line shows the walking step in the bathroom. Most of the smell is from the hand soap and wet mopping cloths. The scents are located in the four corners. In the centre, there are not many smells.

In Class Practice Process
Assignment 9

I went to Remi. Patisserie, one of popular patisserie in Vancouver at the weekend. I tried to record the most significant smell when I passed the store and the smell in the store. The store is very busy, so the street parking is also busy. When I stand on the outside, the vehicle exhaust was polluted arrow the street. One of guy after me has perfume, very fresh and like on the beach. The patisserie had very complex smells, but the most significant smell is bakery, butter, lemon and orange. The flat dessert from oven has very strong egg smell.

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