A10- Taste Rave

Katie Hunks

Part 1: The Appetizer

Documenting various types of cheese
Looking at the texture of each cheese, with notes on the experience of eating each one

Part 2: Main Course

Mac & Cheese Pie
Looking at different layers of flavour, with notations on when the most significant cheese flavour was observed

Part 3: Time for Dessert

Apple Caramel Cheesecake
Examining layers of flavour using similar methods used above

A9- Smell Notes

Katie Hunks

In Class Assignment

Depicting the smell and associated experience of hot chocolate.

Scent Mapping

Mapping different scents observed along my walking route. The radius of each yellow circle represents how strongly I was able to perceive the scent.
Depicting what I felt to be the ideal path based on the scents observed.
Comparing the ideal path with the initial path.

A8- Tuning in & Windplay

Katie Hunks

In Class Assignment: Analyzing Sound

Contextualizing the space
Depicting sound observations: darker colour indicates louder sound, arrangement of line depicts path and frequency of movement

Tuning In: An Experiment in Auditory Observation

Diagramming the process — see link below for sound clips


Documenting results of the experiment
Graphing the results


The object– see link below for video


A6- Tactile Body Space

Katie Hunks

In Class Work: Textures and Sounds of a Working Space

Documenting the journey through a space

Assignment: Experiencing a Space

Documenting textures of books on a bookshelf, along with different lighting conditions provided by a desk lamp and a window
Looking at the movement and sound of a chair

A5- Using Our Hands

Katie Hunks

In Class Assignment: Draw an object based on observations made without sight

Examining the sound and feel of a camera-shaped piggy bank

Drawing a Mystery Object Based on Touch

Conveying the endless feel of the wire without being able to see the end
Representing the texture and feel of the object

A4- Above, At & Below Ground

Katie Hunks

In Class Analysis of Drainage System

The Life Sciences Institute Building, UBC

Examining techniques for water management
Examining movement and context of site in plan

A3- Mapping

Katie Hunks

In Class Exercise: Mapping the Sky

Mapping movement of a fly, leaves, and clouds
Mapping sky conditions over time

Mapping the Beaty Biodiversity Museum

Movement of people, where the darker gradient indicates a further distance from the entry point
Exterior, mapping movement of sun, a person, a bird, and grass

A2- Adding Dimension

Katie Hunks

Basic Cubes
Shading Cubes
Groups of Cubes
Exploring Different 3D Shapes
Drawing an Object 1: Lamp
Drawing an Object 2: Aalto Vase

Drawing a Space…

Drawing with a Timer 1
Drawing with a Timer 2
Drawing with a Timer 3
Drawing with a Timer 4

A1- Time to Align

Katie Hunks

Exploring the Line
Expressing Adjectives and Emotions
Representing a Scene

Variations in Material

Marker on Tissue/Paper

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