A3- Mapping

Katie Hunks

In Class Exercise: Mapping the Sky

Mapping movement of a fly, leaves, and clouds
Mapping sky conditions over time

Mapping the Beaty Biodiversity Museum

Movement of people, where the darker gradient indicates a further distance from the entry point
Exterior, mapping movement of sun, a person, a bird, and grass

A3 Wenting Yang

Beaty Museum study on September 28th at noon

Circulation from main-floor to underground museum
In Class study: Study of Wind and cloud
In Class study: Box idea
In Class study: cloud move with time shift

Assignment 3_Wenwen Zhuang

Beauty Museum: ayalysis of movement of water before & during the rain

The courtyard of the Beauty Musuem is a large green roof and its underneath is rooms of the muesum. Normally, the green area keeps moisture, and when rain comes, the rainwater flows from the lawn to the lower rain garden. Also, the elevation of the museum is a bit lower than Main Mall, so the rainwater flows from the upper area of Main Mall to lower area around the musuem. The swale guides the water flow into the rain garden.

apartment: an ayalysis of the movement of the cloud

A 2 | Adding Dimension | Jennifer Reid


Pyramids +

Vancouver City Hall – South entrance
City Hall _ North Side
Vancouver City Hall in 30 seconds
Vancouver City Hall in 1 minutes
Vancouver City Hall in 2 minutes
Vancouver City Hall in 5 minutes
Vancouver City Hall in 15 minutes
Vancouver City Hall in 30 minutes

A3 | Kathryn Pierre

Assignment 3: Mapping

Berend Kessler

a football match, intensity (top) and passes (bottom) were mapped
flatland vs. dimension
45min movement (left), 45min passing (middle), 90min passing (right)
mapping my passes (top) & intensity (bottom) via the cube
in class…

A3 – Mapping | Vicky Cen

The Fraserview Park

Circulation of people

Numbers indicate the order of people entering the site and their starting point. The central gravel path was frequently used. People were walking or running in loops. One exception was the dog and the owner cut straight into the lawn. The play area was very popular as well. Parents and children were playing and walking around a lot in that area. The park is situated between the street (with the bus stop) and residential area. Few pedestrians walking from the street would take the alleyways instead of walking into the park.

Movement of the swing and the kid

When the kid jumped off the swing and ran away, the swing was still moving. This map shows the movements of both the kid and the swing. Woodchips are under the swing set.

Scattered gravels

This map shows the distribution of gravels in a more conceptual way. It could be the map of how gravels travel throughout the site and reach the points at park: benches and fitness equipment. The gravels mainly stay at the pathway but they are also found scattered at the lawn and other areas. It is assumed that as the park is commonly used over the years, the gravels are moved by every step of people or animals.

Colours of the sky

The sky was separated by several colours at 19:23 when the sun was just set. The front ground was completely dark which I could only see the shapes of trees and houses.

In class exercise

A3 | Mapping | Yette Gram

Mapping Activity in False Creek

On Site Sketches

Mapping the Sky in Class

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