A9: Smell Notes | Vicky Cen

In class exercise

I wanted to create a language system to describe smells. I did research on the primary odours that people can smell and differentiate easily. I disagreed to some of the descriptive words so I changed them. Just like a clock, the hour hand points the dominant odour and the minute hand points to the minor odour. This is a rough version of the smell clock. There could be more obvious smells and a second hand on the clock. The reason for creating this clock-like system is that odours are often complicated because there are a mix of different smells. This system tells the strong and weak smells. Also, the smell description is clear and accurate. For example, the smell could be ‘really fruity’, ‘minty-fruity’ or ‘fruity-floral’.

Assignment 9

Back alleys are always associated with bad smells. I wanted to visualize what brings that bad smell and how strong the smells are. I highlighted the sources of smell. The dispersed wave shows the intensity of the smell from each source. Some strong smells are garbage bins, carbon dioxide from the vehicle, and the general moist/moldy smell at the alley. It is interesting to find that the smell of vehicle is stronger than chemical smell from the new building in construction, and it diffuses to a long distance

A9: Smell Notes

Berend Kessler

last night in colour…
last night in collage…
smelling the wind and the sun?
alley walk…in progress

A8 – Sound – Josh Fender

For this assignment I went out into my backyard at night and listened. Compared to the daytime sounds I noticed that most noise was indistinguishable.

Night time sound observations sketch
Day time sound observations sketch

A9- Smell Notes

Katie Hunks

In Class Assignment

Depicting the smell and associated experience of hot chocolate.

Scent Mapping

Mapping different scents observed along my walking route. The radius of each yellow circle represents how strongly I was able to perceive the scent.
Depicting what I felt to be the ideal path based on the scents observed.
Comparing the ideal path with the initial path.

A5 | Using our Hands | Jennifer Reid

In class activity:


This is a bug light. I live along so I did not have a partner who could hand me a surprise object. With my eyes closed a rummaged around my night stand drawer until a felt something that I didn’t recognize. This object has 3 levels of light which emit out of forward looking ‘eye’ when you press the button on the body.

I never really appreciated this object until having to feel it in great detail, noticing how interesting it is. That being said, it isn’t terribly useful so it will likely end up in the back of that drawer for several more years.

A9 | Kathryn

In Class Exercise: Walking from the back on my apartment building into the lane.
This is a smell map of the scents as I walked down West 4th Avenue in Kitsilano. I tried to mark out where the scents were coming from through colour intensity, where the darkest colours represent the location of the scent and the less pigmented areas represent how far the smell travels

A8- Tuning in & Windplay

Katie Hunks

In Class Assignment: Analyzing Sound

Contextualizing the space
Depicting sound observations: darker colour indicates louder sound, arrangement of line depicts path and frequency of movement

Tuning In: An Experiment in Auditory Observation

Diagramming the process — see link below for sound clips


Documenting results of the experiment
Graphing the results


The object– see link below for video


A8:Tuning in & Windplay | Vicky Cen

In class exercise

When I was standing at my backyard, I heard three types of sound: wind chime, neighbor talking, and noise in the atmosphere. I labelled their relationship as I am inside the cube. Then I recorded their frequency and duration in the diagram above.

Assignment 8


I chose to use a more abstract drawing to visualize the sound experience for this assignment. I was standing outside of my house with my eyes closed. I hear and I imagine. This drawing is how I felt at that moment. I forgot about the physical world and I would imagine I am standing in the darkness. It was chilly outside. I heard dry leaves jumping on the ground. I heard a bus and a bird in far. There was a hammer or some smashes that was not loud but unpleasant. And these sounds were wrapped by a wave of noise in the atmosphere. I was in the center of a tornado. I felt insignificant and weak compared to that noise. I felt like I was standing on a wire. The noise seemed like holding me in balance on a wire, but it was actually pulling and pushing me in all directions.


I made three pinwheels with three types of paper material: regular printing paper, flyer, tracing paper. They have different weights so I want to compare their movements in the wind.

It was not windy outside so I just blew them……

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