A8:Tuning in & Windplay | Vicky Cen

In class exercise

When I was standing at my backyard, I heard three types of sound: wind chime, neighbor talking, and noise in the atmosphere. I labelled their relationship as I am inside the cube. Then I recorded their frequency and duration in the diagram above.

Assignment 8


I chose to use a more abstract drawing to visualize the sound experience for this assignment. I was standing outside of my house with my eyes closed. I hear and I imagine. This drawing is how I felt at that moment. I forgot about the physical world and I would imagine I am standing in the darkness. It was chilly outside. I heard dry leaves jumping on the ground. I heard a bus and a bird in far. There was a hammer or some smashes that was not loud but unpleasant. And these sounds were wrapped by a wave of noise in the atmosphere. I was in the center of a tornado. I felt insignificant and weak compared to that noise. I felt like I was standing on a wire. The noise seemed like holding me in balance on a wire, but it was actually pulling and pushing me in all directions.


I made three pinwheels with three types of paper material: regular printing paper, flyer, tracing paper. They have different weights so I want to compare their movements in the wind.

It was not windy outside so I just blew them……

A7 – Remi Landry Yuan

My step patterns change drastically when descending stairs versus ascending. The downhill step is much tighter, slow and creates a large separation between the foot and the rise of the step, hanging off my large feet off the run.

Uphill climb usually entails skipping a step, operating at a slower pace, with the foot residing closer to the rise of the step and using the entire run with my foot.

A7- Movement

Katie Hunks

In Class Assignment: Mapping an Interior Space

Looking at different door types in a single hallway

Journey from Interior to Exterior

Examining material of spaces in plan view while plotting path taken
Navigating changes in level along with details of doorknob and handrail

A6/7 | Noora | Tactile Body Spaces & Movement

In-Class Activity for A7: Quick sketches to record and communicate design deficiencies in my bedroom door. These could be developed further or – more importantly – to begin making proposals for improved design.

Some possible proposals: change the door knob; refit the strike-plate to lie flush with the door frame; change the direction in which the door swings and switch the insulation to avoid pushing dust into the room; raise the insulation slightly to reduce friction. These could also be drawn.
A6: An analysis of noises in my bedroom, as well as some design proposals.

The mapping on the left records the distribution of some key noises in my bedroom. Given the quiet COVID-19 weekday evening context, there was little activity and only the most consistent noises were heard.

The plan on the top left further spatializes elements identified in the mapping. A ‘problem wall’ which propagates and amplifies noises in the room is identified.

Two simple drawings on the bottom right diagrammatically elaborate on the ‘problem wall’ in relation to the furnace and lamps as key noise sources. Proposals are made to resolve these issues.
A7: An analysis and proposals for my work desk. Although this assignment emphasizes movement, I selected a space of stasis where I spend most of my time. Here, even the smallest movement makes a difference, and small discomforts build up over extended working periods.

While I find these drawing quite successful and think they can speak for themselves, they would benefit from supporting drawings:

Drawings of the (decidedly plasticky) textures at a high spatial resolution, and where exactly they contact the body would be beneficial. A series of body-position drawings could be produced to illustrate the awkward positions assumed in navigating the desk. Perhaps additional position drawings with my laptop/wired-headphones/wheeled-chair as targets I actively manipulate which also limit/enable my mobility.

These were all considerations on my mind, but I skipped the step of drawing them – potential materials for a more robust analysis.

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