Seeing Environment teaches how to ‘see’ the environment with the five senses: touch, taste, sound, smell and sight. This course strives to extend current visual literacy teaching practices in design to include all the main senses, what the instructor calls multi-sensorial literacy. Multi-sensorial literacy is the method to teach students to consciously observe the world around them using all five senses and to understand, analyze and interpret these experiences through traditional recording tools such as sketching, mapping, collages, text and later on digital recording tools. The course content is based on the recent book by Daniel Roehr Multisensory Landscape Design: A Designer’s Guide for Seeing, Routledge (2022).
This blog documents the students work in autumn 2023, in the course’s fifth installment. This course is supervised by Professor Daniel Roehr. Daniel is a licensed landscape architect in British Columbia and Berlin, and has practiced landscape architecture in Europe, North America, and Asia over 30 years. He coauthored the book “Living Roofs in Integrated Urban Water Systems” (Routledge 2015), and recently published his second book “Multisensory Landscape Design – A Designers Guide for Seeing” (Routledge 2022).