A 5 – Using our Hands – Adam Wojtowicz

A map of numbness on my dominant hand due to a traumatic injury. I use to love drawing, and stopped after this injury because the pins and needles was too triggering emotionally,  and my line had became alien to me.


Drawing blindfolded, I immediately knew that I had a string of pearls. So I started with a zoomed in drawing of the clasp, trying to understand the details of the mechanism. Then I tried to draw the pearls resting in the palm of my hand. I tried to draw the motion of thumbing the pearls through my hand like a rosary.

Then i tried to draw the sensation of the pearls at my palm as one might draw the dark values of an object in order to define its form.

When I went to draw the pearls sited after the touch experiment, I thought to draw the dark values, rather than the perimeter of the pearls.


At a family dinner, i was given two objects: a half-glazed teracotta sombraro (souvenier?) from Mexico was the first object. No idea what it was. I tried to capture the form and the transition between the two surfaces: glazed and unglazed. I attempted a section, and tried to understand the geometry of the embossed writing, which said “MEXICO” in block letters.

The second ojbect was a pinapple, which i tried to draw from above and below as well as in elevation. Again, i tried to use the sense of touch  of my left hand to define the form of the object.

This was an attempt at drawing an object by touch while having a sighted paper. Seemed less about the form of the object, and it became all of a sudden an exercise, once again, about line.

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