Assignment 9: Smell Notes – José Torres

In-class activity:

During my visit to the Seafront, I had the opportunity to experience how smell can evoke memories and emotions in sudden and intense ways. For instance, the scent of saltwater immediately transported me back to my high school days in South Wales and to my daily walks along the coast.

I also observed the significance of scent combinations in creating a complete experience. An example of this was Stanley Park, where the blend of wet dirt, woody trees, and the gentle scent of moss worked together to establish a space for calmness and meditation.

At-home exercise:

For the at-home portion of the class, I chose to carry a notebook with me for an entire day to document the variations in smells and their corresponding perceptions, along with the memories and emotions they elicited. I then created a video illustrating the transmutation of these stimuli from one to another, forming what seemed like a cohesive experience.

I won’t provide a list of the notes I took, as I’d like you to discover what I experienced and how I connected them. However, I’ll offer the initial association to kickstart the process: Zen meditation and incense.


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