A 2 – Adding Dimension – Adam Wojtowicz

On site in-class assignment:

I was interested in the deformation of space expressing a relationship between the institution of the church to the First Nations gallery.


I was also interested in the architecture of the protected courtyard in relationship to light and sound.

At Home exercise

I did some pretty irregular ‘cubes’ and found the circles/spheres much more forgiving and comfortable to draw. I think i should return to the cubes down the line…


I wanted to start experimenting with water based and alcohol inks on paper. In both cases I applied the ink lightest to darkest.

I noticed that i had a hard time holding the perspective of this scene in my view all at once , and as a result the foreground, midground and background all have different vanishing points. First time experimenting with white ink over pen. Smudgy. messy. would like to experiment further.   

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