Assignment 9 – Madison Drapkin

In Class: Absent due to family emergency.

At Home:

Without thinking of the assignment, I was grocery shopping and all of a sudden was hit with the smell of freshly ground coffee beans. I was immediately distracted and lost my train of thought at the warm smell that traveled through the air.

Assignment 8 – Madison Drapkin

Tuning in:

Wind Play:

Motion/sound video: LINK

Tuning in was taken at the beach, and while listening to the peaceful lapping of the waves on the shore I began to observe the materials around me. I decided to collect a few to test the sounds they make when they collide with each other. Ultimately, I enjoyed the blunt sound that comes from the muscle shells and decided to develop a sort of windchime around it. Rocks were collected to weigh the sculpture down so that absolute stillness can be achieved when there is no wind pressure while also allowing for subtle movement allowing for the shells to collide and make noise in the wind.

Assignment 11 – Madison Drapkin


The following street lights were documented on my typical neighborhood walk with my dog. Five categories of street lights were identified within a 5km radius, however within the categories there are slight variations as noted. Additional lighting strategies were identified but not documented over the past week (mostly because I was driving when I saw the lights) and other characteristics may include varying paint color, bird spikes added on top of the lights and posts, solar panels, different hat forms for decoration, and varying lighting tones (cool, warm, etc).




Assignment 10 – Madison Drapkin

In Class:


At Home:

The design of this tea cup is inspired by the ones my grandma used to serve us tea. Every time we go to visit her she serves us tea and if I’m being honest, I am not the biggest fan of the tea she serves. So, to be polite, I designed this little tea cup that from the outside would look the same, but only a quarter of the cup could be filled with tea and I could slowly sip it away.

Assignment 7 – Madison Drapkin

In Class:


At Home:

For this assignment, I wanted to document this little seating area I often walk by. I find the design to be quite dysfunctional as there is one bench at the end of a small water fountain, however, the bench provides no back support for anyone sitting on it and you have to sit facing away from the water feature unless you want your feet to go in the water… Additionally, the ground is quite uneven so you walk on sloped pavers embedded in the grass lawn to get to the bench. It feels very unnatural.

Assignment 6 – Madison Drapkin

In Class:

With Vision:



At Home:

For the at home portion of Assignment 6 I documented the textures at my studio desk in Lasserre. Although I engage with this space everyday, I never really considered the materials in it. My general conclusion is that the space is very bland and after zooming in on all the materials it is very dirty!

Assignment 4 – Madison Drapkin

In Class:


At Home:

For this assignment, I tried to analyze a stormwater management system that is a part of the new developments on Cypress Mountain. The surrounding area is still under construction but the water system has been designed to control the flow of water down the mountain face which intersects with the new development and public trail system. At this location, the water flows down and through the mountain face and is pooled into three tiered ponds before continuing its way below a small pedestrian bridge and down the mountain some more.

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