Monthly Archives: July 2017

Women’s body in the media

In today’s media there is a great amount of emphasis placed on our physical appearance. Everyone desires the perfect body. The advertisements that I have chosen for this assignment is an image that was released by the famous company Calvin Klein. It has been known for its controversy on multiple occasions based on its advertising techniques that promote the objectification of women. In this image we see that Calvin Klein is advertising a bra and underwear through a white, thin, young model. We can notice that in this image thinness is equated with beauty and perfection. The model in this image is just an example of dozens of models from advertisements in magazines, billboards on highways, and actresses on TV; the message of what women should look like is everywhere. Unfortunately, media influences today’s society to the point that it defines the “ideal woman.” The aim of this image is to create a market for their products, so they try to make women feel imperfect about their own bodies through advertisement. Through this advertisement, Calvin Klein tries to manipulate women into thinking their value is dependent on physical appearance. They appeal to that basic human desire to be wanted, accepted, and sexually attractive. This advertisement is selling underwear and bra that are suitable for women with similar body figures to the models, and so it establishes the standard for beauty. Calvin Klein chose a good looking young female to represent their brand. We see that the women who models the bra and underwear is only seen for her body and her face is not seen or important for the ad. Through this image the advertisers use women’s bodies and they try to attribute their products with sexy imagery, and by doing so they are making women objects of desire and sex rather than people. The ad shows or focuses on two major parts of the body that are sexually attractive. This image can have a profound negative impact on many women, especially on their health. Seeing this young model can make many women wish to be like her. The image of this girl negatively influences the body image of women which can lead to low self-esteem, depression, stress, and extreme or unnecessary plastic surgery.

For this jammed version of the ad , I replace the picture by just posting a bra and underwear by itself without having a model. This eliminates the misleading stigma for women who do not fit the model’s standard. It will also lessen pressure on women of how they are supposed to look. By eliminating women in the ad we will remove the message that the media try to portray and use women as sex objects. I also try to invoke the idea that companies can advertise their goods and products without using human’s body. So many well known company ads promote how you should look like and what you should wear .They never tell you are good enough. The ad aims that the true wearing Calvin Klein or any specific brand does not require having a “perfect” body image. The bra and under wear are not put on a human body so that we can take the corporation’s power away to control women’s vulnerability as a means to sell products .