Practicum Week 6:

This is it. This is the beginning of four weeks of being a full time teacher and experiencing what it feels like to be in complete control of all the students learning. It’s amazing how many little things are required for you to remember to do as a teacher. For example, you have to remember to change the shape of the day, the date on the board, drop offs and pick-ups at the door, collecting notices and handing them out, changing the planner and many other small tasks that are easily forgettable! I did some of those tasks during my 60-70% but not all of them because my SA’s would naturally do it so it was important that I remembered to do all that or the students would be confused and feel lost.  I enjoyed it though once I got into the habit of doing everything by the end of this week because it made me feel like it was my own classroom and it was my duty to keep things flowing smoothly and creating a non-chaotic atmosphere for the kids.

Last week I was so nervous that I would not be able to handle all the responsibilities but once this week was over, I couldn’t believe how quickly and smoothly it flew by, much quicker than when I was not teaching full time. Although my SA was not there this week, the TOC and EA really helped me out and were there for me if I needed anything or if I needed to get out of the room quickly which very kind of them. My other SA who is a librarian for most of the week came through for me and even switched spots with the TOC for some days so that I could feel more comfortable and at ease in her presence. I really appreciated that because I know she is busy and has a lot of work to do but she knew it was my first week and my other SA wasn’t there and she wanted to make it an easier transition for me. Overall it was much better than I had expected which was a sigh of relief and it made me more excited for the upcoming three weeks of teaching full time.

1 thought on “Practicum Week 6:

  1. jonesrox

    It is wonderful to hear that you were so well supported by your SA and that you truly began to feel comfortable in the role of the teacher. As you have said, being a teacher, and remembering all of the details and what you need to complete each day is no easy task. Good for you for really getting an understanding and doing what needs to be done as well as enjoying the process!


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