How will I continue to grow?

As an educator, I would try and continuously enhance my intellect and grow both professionally and personally. I would self-renew, reflect and consistently look back at my philosophy to remind myself of what I believed in coming into the profession. This reminder will motivate me to pursue my values and what I stand for and allow me to move forward and recreate that spark and passion that I have right now.  I will ask the District that I am working for if there are opportunities for me to enhance my teaching skills and will attend what they offer. I will also consistently sign up for Professional Development workshops and take fullest advantage of all the learning opportunities that are presented to me. My inquiry question is around inclusivity in the classroom especially students with special needs and therefore I would use this question as a key guiding element in my professional growth plan. I would try and find resources that I can utilize that will help me find answers and find pathways through my inquiry. I know that my questions will never fully be answered but that’s the beauty with the field of education. It will constantly be expanding, altering, enhancing and developing and we as professionals should be doing the same and moving in the direction that the future of education will be moving. It is so much easier to use the same lessons every year, the same projects, and the same worksheets, but if we do not reflect and enhance our teaching every year, we will inevitably lose our passion and intellect and feel drained. Furthermore, our well-being is just as important as our students’ well-being. It’s difficult to portray passion, energy and enthusiasm in our teaching if we are not giving our body the rest it deserves. I think it is crucial for educators to have their feelings and emotions in check before attempting to create a positive classroom environment let alone trying to maintain it. As the future educator, I would try and take my emotions and feelings as seriously as I would of my students because how I feel will most definitely affect my teaching, my relationships, and my students and their behaviours. Therefore, fostering self-awareness of my mental health and my self-regulation strategies are important. Learning about emotions specifically how to deal with them and how to respond to others emotions is a great start in self-regulation. Attending emotion focused workshops will be beneficial as part of my professional growth. Furthermore, having an outlet for stress and incorporating different strategies to alleviate stress is essential. For instance, a strong and positive support system, healthy lifestyle, entertainment options, religious involvement, and mindfulness practices are all great way for me to keep my emotions in check and decrease stress.

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