Practicum Week 7:

This week I began two new units. We are now learning time and we are starting a new research project integrating what we learned in Science and Language Arts. It’s great to be in control because I get to decide when it’s a good time to work on a certain activity  and I can change my day and schedule around without worrying about taking time out of my SA’s teaching time. My SA is amazing because she lets me make my own decisions and just makes some suggestions and leaves it up to me if I decide to take it or leave it. I usually take her advice because it’s usually best to. I am excited to be teaching “time” in math because much too often I am asked by the students what time it is and how many hours before recess, lunch and home time and it would be amazing if they could read it themselves and figure it out. I think they are more than capable of learning it with enough practice. On top of that, it’s one of my most favourite units to teach in math! There are so many hands on activities, games and tools that could be made and used to practice and learn about time. I just hope I do a great job in teaching it and presenting it to the class so that they don’t feel that it’s too difficult or overwhelming for them. Although they are technically not supposed to know time until next year, I just thought it was important for this class and I think they are all going to really be engaged and enjoy this unit so I thought why not?

As for our plants research project I decided to have the kids begin researching on Plants in different climatic zones. I had assigned the zones for them and they are required to look for facts of plants on those zones and their appearances, habitat, adaptations and interesting facts. They were given Macbooks for their research and were asked to jot down at least five facts for each category in point form. My SA and I also went to the library and dug out all the books we could find relating to plants and climatic zones so that students could look through them for their research or just read them during silent reading.  So far it’s going great and all the kids are super engaged and excited to be using the MacBooks and learning how to do research. It’s going to be a lengthy project but I am hoping they will get it all done before my practicum is over. The overall goal of the project and what I hope to get the students to accomplish is to transfer all their research into a brochure. We have only begun this project this week so we will see how far we get. I look forward to the final product.

There hasn’t been much behavior issues that I need to highlight for this week. Perhaps doing new and exciting projects and units have gotten the kids in a better mood. There are the usual recess and lunch issues that require attention but nothing too major. I hope this behavior is continued through the next couple of weeks!

1 thought on “Practicum Week 7:

  1. jonesrox

    It sounds as though you are gaining confidence and skill related to management and student engagement.
    You are excited about the hands on projects you are doing and the student’s positive reactions to them. You understand how important it is for students to feel valued and engaged in their learning. This has been a good week of teaching for you as the main classroom teacher.


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