Thank you Shelley Moore..

As we were sharing our inquiry resources to other colleagues last week, one of my colleagues shared a blog that was very relevant to my inquiry project. I went home and visited this blog, and was amazed and shocked at how brilliantly put together it was and how much useful ideas and information was presented. This blog is created by an inspiring inclusion consultant, Shelley Moore, who consults locally, provincially and beyond. She runs workshops and professional development all over the country and presents on inclusion, special needs and technology. It would be an honor to attend one of her workshops or presentations. The best part is, she resides right here in Vancouver. She has many different links to her blog, including a link specifically for curriculum ideas and activities that promote inclusivity in the classroom. She provides free activity ideas and resources for every grade and all subject areas so that all teachers could benefit.

Do you remember the game “GUESS WHO?” It was a board game that I remember playing as a child and enjoyed it very much. In her blog, Shelley uses this game with some modifications as an activity for the beginning of the year to help students get to know each other. She suggests to change all the people in the card into students and teachers in the classroom. What an amazing idea! This creates a fun and authentic way for students to learn about each other and creates classroom community. This is something so simple that can be easily done within all classrooms and could be inclusive of everyone in the class. In her blogs, she provides many more activities that foster inclusion and are fun and relevant. I have only begun looking at her blog and I look forward to see what other great ideas and activities will be available as I continue surfing through her websites.

I am fortunate to have found many practical ideas that could be implemented in the classroom which promotes and encourages inclusion especially for those with special needs which is the main focus of my inquiry project.

1 thought on “Thank you Shelley Moore..

  1. jonesrox

    Being able to learn new ideas and strategies from other educators and professionals is the great thing about the teaching profession. Collaboration and sharing with those having the same background makes teaching and learning enjoyable, engaging and often exciting!


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