Weekly School Visits..

This week I continued teaching Math but also decided to teach Second Step as well. It was just a suggestion made my SA and it sounded fair so I agreed with it. I taught both lessons back to back starting with Second Step. I made sure to add some brain breaks in between and although I had until recess for both lessons, I didn’t have enough time to complete Math. My main SA was only there until lunch and my other SA was absent so we had a TOC come for the afternoon. I felt that I needed to finish the math lesson so that the students could fully grasp the content therefore I asked if I can have just 20 minute to complete it. Both my SA and the TOC had agreed and squeezed math into the afternoon schedule. Overall, the lessons went per usual which minor interruptions and disturbances but fairly well. I will continue teaching math every school visit and another lesson as well. I was hoping to transition from Second Step to Mind Up by next week or so but unsure of my decision yet. I really hope I can use Mind Up to help students understand the idea of mindfulness and its association with the brain. I am a little nervous jumping into Mind Up only because I hope I can teach it as well as its supposed to be taught and I hope the students really grasp the idea of it without forgetting it or being confused by it. It’s also difficult for the students and myself because I am not always there and they would only hear of it once a week, so perhaps I can save it until my ten week practicum to introduce it. I am still unsure.

The rest of the afternoon went well and one of our other students was moving schools so we had a small surprise for her. Near the end of my math lesson, the Education Assistant of the student leaving had brought cake and I completely lost the kids once they saw the cake. I quickly wrapped up the math lesson and we all enjoyed the cake and said our goodbyes. The classroom is going to feel emptier without that student but I hope they transition well into their new school.

I am looking forward to continuing my math lessons and expanding my knowledge and trying new things as I continue my teaching journey.

1 thought on “Weekly School Visits..

  1. jonesrox

    It is good that you are teaching two lessons but only if you feel you can manage the rest of the workload as well. If it becomes too difficult to maintain please speak to your SAs about your load or speak to me and I can chat with them.
    I would recommend not starting Mind Up until your ten week practicum when you can reinforce it daily through vocab and charts etc. It is something that needs integrating to do well. Second Step is the same, so it might be better to continue with Second Step and switch later. The teachers are more likely to reinforce Second Step as they know the program.


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