Tag Archives: classroom

Implementing Inquiry Research into the Classroom:

During my long practicum I hope that I can implement what I have learned about my inquiry question thus far. To start off, I would try and use children’s books as often as I can as a tool to help students become aware of students with special needs and also maybe learn some appropriate vocabulary. Children’s books are a great and useful strategy in creating an open conversation and giving opportunity for students to ask questions and concerns, and deeply think about the issue. Sometimes students are more alert during story time and books always have a way of engaging students and speaking about issues on their level of understanding.

Moreover, I would try and create a stronger relationship with each and every students. Although I have not been with these students from the beginning, I hope that I can still reach out to them and show them that I respect and care for them. I will try and absolute best to build a positive relationship especially with those students who are in most need of attention. Creating a positive relationship is a platform for an inclusive classroom. If students have a strong relationship with the educator, it is easier for them to get along with their peers therefore, improving the classroom community relationship.

I am still finding it difficult adapting my lessons to cater to all students learning abilities, and I hope with the help of my SA I could try and practice doing this. It is truly saddening when you are teaching the same lesson to all students but some students are just not grasping the material no matter what you do but it is not their fault. And we have to change this way of teaching for them so that they too can grow to their potential and learn. I really hope that I can somehow adapt my lessons to fit the needs of all students. During activities, I always make sure to include all students and allow them to be part of partner activities, brain breaks and hands on activities even if they are not able to fully complete it. For example, during the math lesson when the students were making cubes, all students participated and they really enjoyed it. Sometimes, unfortunately, some students are pulled out half way through the lessons and they have to leave and are not able to participate once they come back because they are completely lost and feel too frustrated to even try. It’s difficult to witness but I also know that they have to be pulled out because I do not have the full resources and knowledge to support them fully in the classroom. So for now, I will only do what I am capable of and try my best, but still be hopeful that they are learning a lot during their one-on-one time with the specialized teacher.