Sheen Sagalongos' Blog

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Category: Uncategorized

Marketing Plan Assignments Reflection

Initially, I dreaded marketing class in general because I saw marketing as a very artsy class -that someone had to be the creative type to do well and enjoy this class. After a while, however, when we started to get into details and got our hands dirty with the team project, I quickly learned that […]

Buy from a store near you! Soon, perhaps?

You probably have heard the rumors regarding Google following Apple and Microsoft’s footsteps and its plan to set up retail stores in select cities. Well, if you’re just like me, you probably found it exciting the first time you heard it. Then as you begin to process the thought and let it sink in, you […]

Less Effort, More Profits!

Looking through my classmates’ blogs, I found a number of interesting topics I never would’ve stumbled upon in my own time. Though the one I found most interesting was Phil Allmark’s blogpost about Apple and their slogans; having said that, we already have had a discussion about this when he brought up the subject when […]

Expedia’s “Find Yours” Campaign: The Wonder of Travel

As I was wasting my night a while ago browsing through Reddit, also known as “the front page of the internet”, I came across one of the top posts on the website that led me to Tim Nudd’s post in Adweek. In this post, he talks about one commercial from Expedia’s “Find Yours” Campaign: a […]

Always wear your seat belt. Always.

This has got to be one of the best commercials ever. It is simply a masterpiece. A commercial by Sussex Safer Roads, an entity that works “to reduce road casualties across Sussex with the three E’s – Education, Engineering and Enforcement,” has immediately caught my attention from the get-go. I watched diligently as the story unfolded and a […]

Nestlé’s Unethical Practices

As you may already know, Nestlé has been in deep trouble for its questionable marketing strategies regarding its formula for infants. The company promoted its product extensively in third-world countries which led to a number of infants getting serious health problems -or even ended up dying, for that matter. This is due to the lack […]

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