Big Data, Big Impact

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The current capitalist system cannot continue to operate as it has done so for centuries. That is common knowledge to most folks but what is unclear is how businesses can adapt to sustainable practices.  A common method is for businesses to determine its total operating footprint within the world. One might be quick to assume becoming sustainable is a matter of changing the practices of the business but in reality fail to realize the largest portions of a business’ environmental impact comes indirectly, or better known as externalities. The difficulty in calculating a business’ externalities are the difficulties in separating its own footprint from the rest and excluding other effected areas due to a long chain reaction. This is where the future of big data comes in. The idea is as data continues to accumulate companies may be able to effectively calculate any externalities. Then from the data gathered businesses can act accordingly and increase their accountability and eventually lead to a sustainable operating environment.

The notion of big data paving new roads for businesses to be sustainable is certainly intriguing. Undoubtedly the increase in data will help companies see the bigger picture of their operations and better plan for future operations. The problem may arise when there is too much data. If you’ve ever done any online research you’ll understand the challenges in finding the data you’re looking for (like finding a needle in a haystack). Furthermore consider that businesses may not know what they’re looking for which leads to a precarious situation of incorrectly analyzing data points. It is certain that big data will be an important factor in developing a more sustainable business operations but will continue to be a daunting task for many businesses.


Why big data will have a big impact on sustainability