External Blog Reply – What’s all this buzz about mobile marketing?

Lindsay Woodworth’s blog
about the new craze around mobile marketing intrigued and excited me. Having gone to a concert yesterday, some of the ideas she wrote about would have enhanced my overall experience. For example, during the concert, they could have send out a text message releasing the song lists from each performer in the order they were being sung, and along with that, attached a link where we could purchase whichever songs we desired. This way when there was a song I liked but didn’t know the name of I could have access to it right away.

I could not agree more that the channel of mobile marketing withholds tremendeous potential for marketers, especially around live-events. Nowadays, people always have their phones physically on them and it is rare for someone to not have access to a smartphone. Consequently, it becomes much easier for marketers to reach attendees prior to the event and raise the ‘hype’ around whatever they are about to be a part of. By igniting more excitement in the event-goers before they even get there, the energy of the event will be more alive and excited, making the overall quality of the show and the response people have to it, a positive one. A way in which the marketers for the concert I attended yesterday could have tested this is by texting everyone who provided their phone number lyrics to part of a Rihanna song, or even a link to her most popular song, reminding us all to stay pumped-up for what the evening had in store. As time progresses and technology advances, I am enthusiastic about what the future of mobile marketing holds and how it might make my event-going even more convenient and fun.

Group 6 Reflection – Best 5 Consulting!

Missing Darren Zakus!

What a term it’s been! While reflecting back upon our group project and what I felt was the most beneficial aspect of the assignment, I decided that for me it was learning to use media technology. I’ll admit that when it was declared that we were going to be required to make a movie of any description for our final course project, I was a little perturbed. Knowing very little about iMovie, Audacity, or even filming itself, I felt that this project was going to be extremely daunting; however, as the term progressed I was able to tackle my irrational fear of media technology and ignite somewhat of an interest in recording and putting together film.

Photo Link

Although this project was a burden in the beginning, I am thankful to have gained enough knowledge about these programs that I feel like I can confidently use them again in the future. I guess you could say that the overall, “philosophical”, intangible benefit this group project gave me was the reminder that as I encounter difficult tasks in life, especially ones I have no interest in overcoming, the greatest satisfaction can come from realizing I am capable of overcoming them and will feel accomplished by being persistent until I am satisfied with the end results. While that may sound cheesy and melodramatic, in all seriousness I am very grateful to have had this experience.