Led by Dr. Elizabeth Keys PhD Assistant Professor School of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan

“Our mission is to develop and embed sustainable interventions within the Canadian health care system that promote infant and family mental health by supporting healthy sleep and high-quality parent-child interactions (PCIs) in families with young children. To do this, our research examines how innovative approaches and models of care, such as eHealth and precision health, can be used to build sustainable solutions that help parents and their children experience real-world improvements in their sleep and relationships.”

Principal Investigator

Dr. Elizabeth Keys


Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
UBC Okanagan

Our Team

Current Projects

Better Nights and Better Days for Canadians: An innovative national sustainable strategy to prevent and treat insomnia across the lifespan using digital approaches for sleep promotion, intervention, and provider training.

Are Moms Angry? Having a Baby during COVID-19.

COVID-19 vaccine awareness in British Columbia: A community-based knowledge dissemination initiative for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, and parents to young children.

Postnatal screening for anxiety and comorbid conditions: a prospective British Columbia cohort study

Understanding how parents build and mobilize personal support networks to obtain tangible social support. 

Sleep and Family Relationships Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of Okanagan Families with Young Children

What is the effectiveness of eHealth programs for parents of infants aged 1 year and under? A systematic review.  

What behavioral determinants and behavior change techniques do interventions with a behavioral sleep outcome for infants aged 1 year and under target and include? A systematic intervention mapping review.

Feasibility and pilot testing of ABCs of SLEEPING for Babies app. 

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