Upcoming Events

7th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference, June 13-16, 2018, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, USA

This year’s theme, Thorny Thresholds: Identity, Transfer, and Assessment, invites us to dig into some of the more challenging aspects of working with threshold concepts.

How are students transformed by threshold concepts—and how do we know?
How do new understandings facilitated by threshold concepts transfer across contexts?
What are differences between threshold concepts (and a threshold concepts framework) and “student learning outcomes”/”standards”/”qualifications” and other forms of institutional assessment of curricula, programs, and learning—and what are the implications of
those differences for work with students, faculty, administrators, and publics?
How do expectations about “assessment” and “evaluation” of learning differ across countries, and what can we learn from one another in relation to these differences?

Refer to the conference website to review the call for proposals.


International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Oct 11-14, 2017 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This year’s theme is inspired by the conference’s location in Calgary, Reaching New Heights will push our thinking about the scholarship of teaching and learning. This theme urges presenters, practitioners, and participants to think about the future of SoTL and how we navigate the new routes for getting there. The call for proposals has just ended, but there is more information about the conference on the website: http://issotl.com/conf/index.php/issotl16/index/pages/view/conference_home

Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, June 20-23, 2017 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The higher education institutions of Halifax are pleased to be hosting the 37th Annual Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education conference. This year’s theme is Gateways in Higher Education: Cultures, Transitions and Transformations / Passerelle dans l’enseignement supérieur : cultures, transitions et transformations. The hosts this year are: Dalhousie University, Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia Community College, NSCAD University, Saint Mary’s University, University of King’s College. Please visit their website http://stlhe2017sapes.ca.