Week 10 – Rigoberta Menchu

This week’s book was heavy in a way I was not expecting. Though Jon warned us of the content in this book, I listened to the audiobook and it was an emotionally draining experience. To have someone (obviously not Rigoberta herself but a human voice nonetheless) read you their story with all its tragedy and terror is, to me, more powerful than just reading the words off the page. I was immediately struck with how Rigoberta presented her life and her culture so directly, but also with so much depth. It didn’t feel like an encyclopedia entry but someone recounting their life, infused with personal details and an emotional foundation that made her story more compelling.

This brings up one point mentioned in lecture. Though Rigoberta is telling so much about her culture to lay the context for the rest of her experience, she often mentions that she will not be telling us things. This really struck me. I understand that, of course, there are things people want to keep from the general public, and the strong community her people have obviously want to keep some things to themselves. But to go out of one’s way to announce the exclusion of such details was a touch… odd to me. She could have just not mentioned these things, however, after some contemplation, I am of the school of thought that announcing what she will be keeping hidden gives her a sense of power over her testimony, perhaps.

The other aspect of this testimony that surprised me was Rigoberta’s handling of such intense emotions. Several times I’d be listening to the audiobook as she recounted the most gruesome, vile, inhumane acts and she’d quickly follow it up with a comment about yes, it’s sad, but there are worse things. The strength of this woman amazed me. To lose so many people close to her, to witness mistreatment of your people and to experience such discrimination, and to keep your head up? To keep going with your fight, time and again? I was absolutely overwhelmed with her courage, her spirit. Several moments in the book felt so surreal, impossible, and yet I had no doubt that Rigoberta experienced them. (The lecture details how her accounts may not all be true, but I am choosing to believe that someone would not just make up so many gruesome memories!).

I think, perhaps, Rigoberta’s strength came from her religion and beliefs which, I will admit, surprised me a bit. I hadn’t thought that an indigenous person who was fighting suppression from colonizers could have found so much help in the Bible. I found it interesting how she and her community could find solace in something from outside their community, and use it to help them with their fight.

This book is not something I think you can ‘rate’ per se; reading about someone’s life was a harrowing way to understand my privilege in a different way, and I think many people can benefit from learning about a part of history about which many of us have never learned.

Question: was there one element of Rigoberta’s testimony that most emotionally struck you? Were you surprised by her ‘positive’ approach of such heavy topics?

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