el reino de este mundo: la segunda mitad
Posted by: | January 31, 2010 | Comments Off on el reino de este mundo: la segunda mitad
terminé el libro y aunque no entendí todo, lo encontré muy interesante las partes que pude entender. el vocabulario fue un poco difícil y tenía que buscar muchas palabras en el diccionario para entender lo que estaba leyendo pero pienso que enti…
I can see clearly now
Posted by: | January 31, 2010 | Comments Off on I can see clearly now
After last week’s discussions of the first half of “El Reino de este Mundo”, this week’s reading felt much easier to comprehend. While reading the text, things jumped out at me, (descriptions, ideas, etc.) that reminded me of topics discussed i…
El Reino de Este Mundo 2
Posted by: | January 31, 2010 | Comments Off on El Reino de Este Mundo 2
I found this book to be very interesting for a few reasons. First, because I found it easier to read than the first (I will subsequently explain why) and second, because of the way it presents historical information.
My first point was the reading ease. this has a lot to do with the fine lines between reality and magical realism. In the first book, the lines between what was real and what wasnt were very fine, and often reality and the imaginary were completely mixed in to created the story presented. In this book however, I found the distinction between that which is fantastic and that which isnt to be more clearly defined, with the historical characters, settings and events being clearly real and the magical mostly being present when it came to the character’s thoughts and interpretations. Obviously the whole story is somewhat fantastic because Ti Noel, the element that holds the book together, is an imaginary character but the descriptions are very clear and would reflect the sights that could be seen by anyone of the time, therefore reality was quite clear.
Second, I enjoyed the way in which this novel serves as to preserve not only historical events but also the athmosphere and the environment that existed at the time. The author uses a tremendous amount of descriptions, which I found not only made this book an easier read but also served the ingenious purpose of constructing a historical record within the storyline. What I mean by that is for example in the part entitled "Sans-Souci" (without worry), TiNoel walks by a lot of buildings and daily life activities that do not tremendously add to the story. These buildings and other elements are however described with tremendous detail, making this book not only a story but some kind of record of the architecture, religious structures, culture, anthropology, and other elements of the past. The descriptions are so detailed and numerous that it seems as though the author is trying to paint a picture with his thousand words. and not a vague one in which your imagination is called upon to fill in the details as most books do, but such a precise one of the buildings, for example, that make of this book not only a story but also a historical record of random things such as architecture, for example.
El reino de este mundo II
Posted by: | January 31, 2010 | Comments Off on El reino de este mundo II
La segunda mitad del libro fue aún más interesante porque en mi opinión contiene más información histórica sobre Haití y su población. Lo que me gustaría en particular es la perspectiva de Ti Noel y como el lector puede seguirlo y así de un…
El Reino Parte II
Posted by: | January 31, 2010 | Comments Off on El Reino Parte II
La segunda mitad del libro es relativamente diferente de la primera, porque no había mucho detalles sobre la magia, creo. En esta sección, aprender más acerca de Ti Noel, sobre su personalidad, su vida, y quién es él. Nos enteramos de que él tien…
The End of Carpentier, the Dawn of a New Haiti
Posted by: | January 31, 2010 | Comments Off on The End of Carpentier, the Dawn of a New Haiti
For whatever reason, I found that reading the last half of El reino was a remarkably difficult task. I suppose I only have myself to blame for my difficulties, given that I’ve had an incredibly busy (but awesome) weekend, I took to reading the rest of …
El reino de este mundo 2
Posted by: | January 31, 2010 | Comments Off on El reino de este mundo 2
I guess the point of this book is to examine, as President Obama so eloquently put it, the audacity of hope. Humanity, despite its brutal ways, has prevailed because of an unwillingness to give up and a desire to keep fighting despite all odds. I think…
Carpentier: La Segunda Mitad
Posted by: | January 31, 2010 | Comments Off on Carpentier: La Segunda Mitad
After reading the second half of this book I now see much more of the importance of “lo real maravilloso” in El Reino De Este Mundo. The time Carpentier took in the prologue to discuss the magical aspects that appear in life in Haiti, as well as in thi…
El reino #2
Posted by: | January 31, 2010 | Comments Off on El reino #2
La segunda mitad del libro de Carpentier sigue con un estilo, y anecdotas muy interestantes. Me gusta ver la historia desde la perspectiva haitiana, el aumento del reino de Christophe hasta su caída. La descripción que da Ti Noel sobre la construcc…
El fin del reino ;)
Posted by: | January 31, 2010 | Comments Off on El fin del reino ;)
Un aspecto que he notado por todo el texto es el paso del tiempo. Sigue mas o menos un modo lineal, pero los saltos desde un momento al proximo son bastante largos. El tiempo pasa irregularmente, es decir, los momentos de accion son concentrados. Obvia…