365 so far

Posted by: | February 7, 2010 | Comments Off on 365 so far

So far in this class I have enjoyed reading Asturias and Carpentier and analyzing their works to better understand their writing styles and influences that inspired them. Asturias’ focus was covering the origins and history of the indigenous culture as a way to secure, preserve and reflect on what had been passed down by generations in order to remind the people of their roots. Carpentier focused his book on more of the historical facts of the struggle the Haitian people what they had gone through to fight for their rights of independence and freedom only to realize that the freedoms their looked for were once again taken away by their own people. In both literary works we also analyzed the style of magical realism in its infancy as a literary style that presented people, history and its events in an alternative form that depicted reality, in some instances, in magical and blurred reality if you will. Almost felt that you were led into the fantasy and imagination of the authors that would note down as they saw it. Almost as if they would write how they would see things in their mind and write their draft without revision or interpretation and just presenting it as it was and allow the reader to become apart of the creative thinking.

As I am relatively new to this writing style it is interesting none the less to find yourself in their reality which is transformed into the awesome and unreal. I found that Asturias definitely used more of a magical setting than Carpentier but both had elements of the imaginative. I found that their experimentation with the mysterious and obscure that added an element of curiosity to these readings and in addition the difficulty in understanding the text made it hard to interpret at times. As we have just begun to discover the magical realism up to now I have begun to see the mysterious interaction between humans and their surroundings and how their circumstances in life are depicted with historical relevance. A mixture of a creation of imaginary beings and worlds, as in portrayed by Asturias where in contrast to Carpentier magical realism which combined the key events and reality of Haiti. It is an interesting class so far as it does test the understanding and logic of the author’s transformation and representation of reality.


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