Conclusión de Asturias y Carpentier

Posted by: | February 7, 2010 | Comments Off on Conclusión de Asturias y Carpentier

Después de leer dos libros, de los cuales ninguno era exactamente del género realismo mágico, he encontrado una tema que me interesa. En Leyendas de Guatemala, la lengua que usa Asturias es muy poética. Hay un ritmo en las repeticiones de palabra…

El realismo mágico hasta ahora

Posted by: | February 7, 2010 | Comments Off on El realismo mágico hasta ahora

Mis pensamientos hasta ahora… ¿qué decir?Leemos dos libros: Leyendas de Guatemala y El reino de este mundo. No me gustó mucho la primera obra por la dificultad de leerla, además de un lenguaje complicado, las tramas eran demasiado complejas y abs…

My opinions about the 1st half of the Spanish 365 course

Posted by: | February 7, 2010 | Comments Off on My opinions about the 1st half of the Spanish 365 course

My opinions of the course thus far are very mixed. I think the projects are interesting and worthwhile, but overestimated in the expectation that the students will be able to give satisfactory attention to anything. I think the students are spread very…

35 Days of Spanish 365

Posted by: | February 7, 2010 | Comments Off on 35 Days of Spanish 365

Many weeks later, as he sat facing the computer screen hours before the due project, (name was removed for security purposes) was to remember that distant morn when his professor took him to discover magical realism. At that time, UBC was a village of …

365 so far…

Posted by: | February 7, 2010 | Comments Off on 365 so far…

so far i have enjoyed certain aspects of the class and found others a little difficult. although i think we all have some background on magical realism, this class really delves into it in great detail. after first reading Asturias i definitely felt …


Posted by: | February 7, 2010 | Comments Off on SAINTS WIN !!!

oh how I wish I could fill up my blog describing the magnificence of this Sunday’s super bowl :)not to worry instead I will summarize my general overview of Asturias and Carpentier. The magical realism novels we have read as part of ESPN 365. I really …

Thus Far

Posted by: | February 7, 2010 | Comments Off on Thus Far

So, Asturias. Reading Leyendas de Guatemala was an experience. Honestly I found it challenging and difficult to follow and analyze. The entire text was extremely metaphorical, and since I apparently don’t understand subtlety, I had a difficult time …

Asturias y Carpentier: Lo que he aprendido:

Posted by: | February 7, 2010 | Comments Off on Asturias y Carpentier: Lo que he aprendido:

En mi opinión, ambos libros- Las leyendas de Guatemala y El reino de este mundo- son libros fascinantes que abren una ventana en las culturas y tradiciones de Latinoamérica. No tenia conocimiento previo de estos tipos de libro y fue un poco difíci…

Span 365-Reflections on the Material So Far

Posted by: | February 7, 2010 | Comments Off on Span 365-Reflections on the Material So Far

Me ha gustado los textos por lo mayor parte hasta ahora. Tenía dificultidades con Leyendas de Guatemala en que tenía buscar por muchas palabras en el diccionario, pero cuando entendí el texto finalmente, encontré que la historia, aunque extraño, …

365 so far

Posted by: | February 7, 2010 | Comments Off on 365 so far

So far in this class I have enjoyed reading Asturias and Carpentier and analyzing their works to better understand their writing styles and influences that inspired them. Asturias’ focus was covering the origins and history of the indigenous culture …

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