cien anos de soledad #2!

Posted by: | March 8, 2010 | Comments Off on cien anos de soledad #2!

Late. Sorry, I was so tired last night that I actually couldn’t think, so I decided to wait until today to write my blog, although I’m not sure it will actually make any difference . . . I guess we’ll see!

I would like to dedicate part of this post to trying to analyze and understand the title of “Cien anos de soledad”. I would like to start with the idea of solitude, which seems to have taken on two different meanings in the novel. First is the solitude experienced by the individual characters. There have been instances where Jose Arcadio Buendia, Melquiades, and Aureliano decide to confine themselves to the laboratory, which I’m still a little confused about. Why the laboratory? It seems to be a recurring theme, and I don’t really know why each character is drawn to the place.

The second place the reader can experience the idea of solitude is in Macondo itself. The town is secluded throughout the story in a way that makes it difficult to get to. Eventually more people begin to migrate there, but if I remember correctly, the initial solitude of Macondo was part of the reason Ursula decided they should stay there in the first place.

So, more people start migrating to Macondo, but them comes Rebeca and the insomnia, which causes the residents of the town to want to seclude themselves once again in a sort of solitary confinement sort of way in order to try to get rid of the disease and regain their memory.

Now why is it one hundred years of solitude? I am finding that a bit more difficult to understand. I read the first part of Laura’s blog in which she gives an interesting explaination. She said somehting along the lines of the idea that one hundred years is about the amount of time that we use to measure human life. People are expected to live somewhere around 100 years (well, maybe only the lucky ones, but who’s counting?).

So, I guess if I were to put two and two together I would come up with the solution that the one hundred years of the title refers to the idea of human life, the solitude refers to Macondo as a whole as well as the some of the individuals living there, and these two ideas put together trying to explain that Macondo and the people living there will be living in some form of solitude their whole lives.


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