Marquez: post 9

Posted by: | March 14, 2010 | Comments Off on Marquez: post 9

I thought it was really interesting to read this segment of the book, especially after our discussion in class about war, because the meaning of war continues to be a very important message. In class we talked about that war advances solitude because it breaks apart connections that makes people humans and that war takes away feelings and leaves a person empty. However later when the Coronel Aureliano Buendía looses faith in the war he is consumed by solitude. Is this because the war has already taken everything out of him? And I agree with what Jon said about a the Coronel’s failed suicide symbolizing ultimate solitude. This part of the book was particularly sad, especially because Ursula has to experience her son’s desperation.

I must say keeping the names and relationships straightened out is becoming increasingly challenging! And the sex des not stop getting weirder and weirder. And I guess in class we have talked about how with repetition solitude is furthered.

Also the topic discussed in class, that technology and contact with the world progresses solitudes, continues in this segment of the book as well with the introduction of the train.


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