
Posted by: | April 8, 2010 | Comments Off on McOndo

I had an interest to learn a little more behind the McOndo movement and decided to read further into some articles and reviews. It was interesting to first learn how Fuguet had come about the idea just after being denied to publish one of his works in the U.S. The reason for the rejection, as per the publisher, was because it did not follow the ‘magical’ formula that was expected of the Latin-American author. Out of his frustration and to prove that Latin-American authors can write more than just within the magical realism genre he set out on the McOndo movement. As a result, McOndo was able to now create an interest and to showcase the literary abilities that do not focus solely on the magical realism genre. But it turns out there is a little more to it than that. As it all became a David and Goliath scenario where the big business and big corporations, in this case the publishers in the US that initially denied Fuguet, saw that the magical realism genre was in demand and that is where the profits were to be made. And instead of Fuguet going along with it, he saw the injustice in all of this; that you are essentially denying the artistic ability of other authors a chance to publish their works and to allow creativity to flourish. Similar to the circumstances of small businesses being pushed out buy the Walmart types or the Microsoft’s that buy out small companies to take over their patents etc. and reduce the competition. With works from other authors they found the inspiration and a way to break the mold of what was expected of them. As the movement gained popularity so did its success in publishing a larger variety and body of works.


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