
Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on Wow

I think it’s pretty funny how these blogs have become little mini-updates of our lives. I don’t actually know most of the people in the class, but I know what everyone is doing! I’m as shocked as everyone that the term is almost over . . . unbelievab…

Final Post

Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on Final Post

En total, me gusté el curso mucho. En general, olvidé los textos, especialmente Cien años de soledad. Aparte del gran duración de la novela, pienso que es lo mejor ejemplo de realismo mágico que he leído. También me gusta much las historias d…


Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on pensamientos

Este curso ha sido un reto para mi. Encanto las obras de García Márquez, de Isabel Allende y Carlos Fuentes, pues tenía sentido que tomaría este curso. “Leyendas de Guatemala” era muuuy difícil para mi, y temía que no tendría capaz de segu…

Reflexión final

Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on Reflexión final

¡No puedo creer que estoy escribiendo el último blog del semestre! Es increíble que estamos al fin del curso – este curso me ha parecido muy interesante y he aprendido muchas cosas sobre el realismo mágico y la literatura latinoamericana en gener…

lo último.

Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on lo último.

Este es mi último post en el blog. Mi cuento favorito de los cuentos de McOndo es lo de Perú. Es Extrañando a Diego de Jaime Baily.  Por uno, es divertidísimo. Tiene un humor un poco sarcástico, pero lo me gusta mucho.  Por ejemplo cuando  habla sobre el gimnasio, o el concierto: “Aunque detesto los […]

Last thoughts

Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on Last thoughts

I can’t believe the semester is almost over. How time flies. I was presently surprised with all of the literature we covered in this class. I didn’t know what to expect when I registered for the class as I have never read any of the literature before…

span 365

Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on span 365

Me ha gustado mucho este curso. Siempre he tenido ganas de leer 100 años de soledad pero nunca encontré tiempo para hacerlo. Es lo que me ha más gustado del curso y nunca voy a olvidar la historia. Es tan interesante ver la técnica de García Márq…

The course concludes…

Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on The course concludes…

Well, I’d be lying if I said I’ve been on top of my blog posts lately. This past month has been an absolute nightmare for me. Constant problem sets, massive group assignments, presentations and work outside of school really don’t equate to me getting a…


Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on Reflections

What? It’s over already? Just when I was beginning to understand things…Looking back at my first blog entry, I feel like I’ve come a long way in my understanding of this concept known as “magical realism”. I thought I had a general grasp of what …


Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on Adios

I can hardly beleive the semester is over, even harder to beleive, is that I found the time to read all that literature…I have to say that my favourite was El Reino de este mundo. This book helped me to better understand magic realism and the way it …

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