Class Overview: Post 5

Posted by: | February 7, 2010 | Comments Off on Class Overview: Post 5

This class so far… well lets see. Before this class I had no idea that was a difference between magic realism, found in Asturias, and lo real maravilloso, in Carpentier and now thanks to reading the two novels these concepts are clearly defined and differentiated. Magic realism being the essence of magic and the incredible or inconceivable existing in the world we know where as lo real maravilloso is that the world we know is the maravilloso. Although in writing the difference between the terms seems minor, after reading the novels one sees that they are drastically different. I especially am intrigued by the idea of lo real maravilloso, and I think this way of looking the world is very inspiring.

Magic realism and lo real maravilloso help to evolve a major themes that exist in both text, spirituality of Latin America. Both text come out in age trying to bolster “Latin” power. I found it interesting when doing research about Leyendas de Guatemala, that part of the strive to revitalize Latin America was because Europe had just come out devastated from WWI and was looking for new ways support their economy. I think that it is very interesting to think about who the audience is that the author is writing for. When doing my research I found extremely contrasting views of the goals of Asturias in writing Leyendas de Guatemala. It was either argued that Asturias was in order to defend the Indians encouraging them to “untie the bonds” of oppressive European forces. Or the Leyendas de Guatemala aimed to prove that mestizaje is necessary. I am not sure if the same debates surround the works of Carpentier.

Nature plays an important role in both novels. And time is also important in both, sometimes portrayed as transient and other chronological time.

Overall I have really enjoyed the class so far as the two novels have been very interesting and class discussion has really helped me to understand the texts better. I am excited read the next novels and to see the influence Asturias and Carpentier had on them.


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