cien años de soledad-entry 1

Posted by: | March 7, 2010 | Comments Off on cien años de soledad-entry 1

I have found Cien Años de Soledad a bit difficult to read as I have had to go over a few passages on numerous occasions. I remember reading the English version many years ago so I have that to refer to but the read is going a little slower hence the late entry. I found the reading to be a little mysterious as details are not presented in clarity. There is a certain aspect that the author García Márquez is attempting to reveal all in due time which I find interesting. The characteristics of magical realism that I found so far to be used are the exaggerations that Márquez uses in his writing. Some of which have been a little incredible compared to others. You know it is a good book when you spend long hours reading it before you put it down and there are some late nights during the reading break where I found myself into the early mornings. And it didn’t help when I spent most of my time with the throngs of people in Vancouver and Whistler during the Olympics. There is so much going on with a variety of characters that I have to really stay close to the details or I will miss the order of what is happening to each person. In comparing to the two versions of English and Spanish I have found that the vocabulary is definitely fancier literature than how it is translated. Reading certain passages in Spanish made no sense and I had to compare it to the English text which in most cases I was definitely way off the translation. But as I slowly progress I am getting use to the process and getting everything to flow a little better. As in our previous readings the level and quality of literature slowly advances to the more difficult and at the same time the magical realism is being presented in a different light and entering into greater depths of the genre. The characteristics of magical realism that I found so far to be used are the exaggerations that Márquez uses in his writing. Some of which have been a little incredible compared to others.


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