Culmination: Post 14
Posted by: | April 13, 2010 | Comments Off on Culmination: Post 14
Wow, I can’t believe the semester is just about done, last week so really hectic in school, I completely forgot to write the blog until I got the email today, so sorry its late. Overall, I thought the books chosen for the class were great selectio…
Reflecting time
Posted by: | April 12, 2010 | Comments Off on Reflecting time
Well I’ve nearly made it through my first Spanish literature class (I suppose I have made it through all of the actual class sessions now!).I’m glad I chose this course because I have enjoyed the topic of magical realism literature in Latin America. On…
Better Late than never?
Posted by: | April 12, 2010 | Comments Off on Better Late than never?
I just realized that I never wrote a blog last week, so I will be writing one today (over a week late). The blog I wrote yesterday was more focused on the McOndo reading, so this one will be a relection of the class. As I said earlier, the class went…
Mis ultimos pensamientos
Posted by: | April 12, 2010 | Comments Off on Mis ultimos pensamientos
En este curso aprendí mucho sobre la literatura latino americana, lo que para mí es algo nuevo. Lo que me parece interesante después de leer las obras que teníamos que leer para este clase, es el hecho de que todos los textos tienen elementos relac…
Posted by: | April 12, 2010 | Comments Off on McOndo
Bueno si quieren saber la verdad, este McOndo no me gustó mucho. Lo que me parece que estos autores están tratando de hacer es de rechazar el realismo mágico sin poder completamente dejarlo fuera de sus escrituras. Porque parece que tienen una fasci…
Final Course Reflection
Posted by: | April 12, 2010 | Comments Off on Final Course Reflection
This semester was interesting. Not entirely with regard to course and class material was, but in general, interesting. The Olympic break was amazing, incredible, estupendo; however, it put me in Summer mode by early March. This brings me to my first po…
Español 365 – Conclusión
Posted by: | April 12, 2010 | Comments Off on Español 365 – Conclusión
Hmmm mucha lectura… bastante que leer en esta clase, pero a decir verdad, estoy feliz que pudimos estudiar la cantidad de obras que leimos durante este semestre. Yo escogí esta clase específicamente porque era sobre literatura latinoamericana, y no española. Así que estoy muy contento con los textos que leínos ya que fueron una buena […]
Final post
Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on Final post
Thinking about this semester-long class, one thing stands out in my mind: Until this class, I’ve never taken a course that centers on a literary genre where the genre itself wasn’t defined point-blank on the first day. At first, this seemed to b…
SPAN 365 y la experiencia psicodélica
Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on SPAN 365 y la experiencia psicodélica
El curso acaba… Vale, no me quejo de esto como quiero relajarme en las vacaciones que vienen muy pronto. El curso no fue muy crítica, es decir, la lectura de los textos bastante limitados era de primera persona: nosotros leyendo los textos, punto. M…
Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on Wow
I think it’s pretty funny how these blogs have become little mini-updates of our lives. I don’t actually know most of the people in the class, but I know what everyone is doing! I’m as shocked as everyone that the term is almost over . . . unbelievab…