Communication At Its Finest

A trend I have noticed in my business classes has been this idea of being effective and efficient at the same time in any business is pertinent to that business’s degree of success. I think a huge part of having an effective and efficient organizaion has a lot to do with exhibiting solid communication within the work environment. A perfect example of this would be workplace productivity going down due to team members not being able to communicate properly. So, what are the different ways we can communicate in the workplace and what type of work environments would each type of communication work best in. 6a00e54ee3905b883301b8d0d56577970

After doing a little research, I found that there are three different types of communication which include: interpersonal, nonverbal, and written communication. defines these three different types of communication in the following ways; interpersonal communication as communication between a small group of individuals, nonverbal communication as anything besides words such as facial expressions, and written communication as messages that are transferred to receivers in writing. Pavel Aramyan shows us that using one of these types of communication in a positive manner can cause less misunderstanding, empowerment, transparency, a healthy culture, and increased accountability.

In Sean’s blog, he discusses how the movie “Arrival” displays effective communication when a doctor must find a way to communicate with aliens that have landed on the planet. Sean states that the hardwork that goes into communication yields the greatest results and I think he is absolutely right when he says this. In this situation with the doctor and the aliens it seems that maybe a nonverbal communication would have been most effective at attempts to communicate with the alien since a language barrier clearly stood in the way. However, in other settings such as a kitchen, an interpersonal and verbal communication style would be the most effective since chefs do not have time to be writing down or using gestures when attempting to communicate with their staff. In addition, the type of work environment where written communication such as email would be most effective would be a realty office where the realtors need to be out in the field while also communicating with their staff.

Word Count: 368

Image Source:

“The Magic of Communication.” Voyage Control. N.p., 23 Feb. 2016. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

Text Sources:

“5 Ways Workplace Communication Effectiveness Can Increase Productivity.” Easy Projects Project Management Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

““Arrival” Offers Valuable Insight on Communication.” Sean Docherty. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

“Types of Communication: Interpersonal, Non-Verbal, Written & Oral – Video & Lesson Transcript.” N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

Tags: Comm292, blogproject


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