Communication At Its Finest

A trend I have noticed in my business classes has been this idea of being effective and efficient at the same time in any business is pertinent to that business’s degree of success. I think a huge part of having an effective and efficient organizaion has a lot to do with exhibiting solid communication within the work environment. A perfect example of this would be workplace productivity going down due to team members not being able to communicate properly. So, what are the different ways we can communicate in the workplace and what type of work environments would each type of communication work best in. 6a00e54ee3905b883301b8d0d56577970

After doing a little research, I found that there are three different types of communication which include: interpersonal, nonverbal, and written communication. defines these three different types of communication in the following ways; interpersonal communication as communication between a small group of individuals, nonverbal communication as anything besides words such as facial expressions, and written communication as messages that are transferred to receivers in writing. Pavel Aramyan shows us that using one of these types of communication in a positive manner can cause less misunderstanding, empowerment, transparency, a healthy culture, and increased accountability.

In Sean’s blog, he discusses how the movie “Arrival” displays effective communication when a doctor must find a way to communicate with aliens that have landed on the planet. Sean states that the hardwork that goes into communication yields the greatest results and I think he is absolutely right when he says this. In this situation with the doctor and the aliens it seems that maybe a nonverbal communication would have been most effective at attempts to communicate with the alien since a language barrier clearly stood in the way. However, in other settings such as a kitchen, an interpersonal and verbal communication style would be the most effective since chefs do not have time to be writing down or using gestures when attempting to communicate with their staff. In addition, the type of work environment where written communication such as email would be most effective would be a realty office where the realtors need to be out in the field while also communicating with their staff.

Word Count: 368

Image Source:

“The Magic of Communication.” Voyage Control. N.p., 23 Feb. 2016. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

Text Sources:

“5 Ways Workplace Communication Effectiveness Can Increase Productivity.” Easy Projects Project Management Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

““Arrival” Offers Valuable Insight on Communication.” Sean Docherty. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

“Types of Communication: Interpersonal, Non-Verbal, Written & Oral – Video & Lesson Transcript.” N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

Tags: Comm292, blogproject


Are You An Introvert?

Many lectures and discussions we have had in this class have caused me to reflect on my decisions and experiences. One of the lectures that had this affect on me was our discussion about introverts versus extroverts. Following the lecture I remember my professor asking us to raise our hands if we considered ourselves to be an introvert and to my surprise many people that I would have categorized as extroverted considered themselves to be introverted. This made me wonder what characteristics would categorize someone as an introvert and what exactly it means to be an extroverted introvert? Would I, myself, be considered an introvert or an extrovert?

Joseph Castro from attributes the characteristics of introverts as being quiet, reflective, and focused on the inner (mental) world. In this article introverts are mentioned as beings who shy away from high energy environments as it may cause them to feel overwhelmed. In addition, suggests that introverts maintain nine behavioral signs including: they enjoy having time to themselves, their best thinking occurs when they are alone, they lead best when others are self starters, they tend to be the last to raise their hand, they get asked for their opinion quite frequently, they often wear headphones in public, they prefer not to engage with people who seem angry or upset, they receive more calls and texts than they make, and they don’t typically initiate small talk with people they do not know well.

AImage result for ambiverts fellow classmate of mine, Brandon, made a very good point in one of his blog posts which was that extroversion and introversion are not necessarily direct opposites. This is where the idea of an extroverted introvert comes from, also known as an ambivert. An ambivert is a mixture of the extrovert and the introvert maintaining characteristics such as they make friends easily, can talk for hours, but sometimes getting them out of the house can be impossible. According to, more than half of the world’s population is ambiverted. After sifting through all of the research I feel that I can now confidently describe myself as an ambivert due to my love for having my personal time but also my ability to be extremely social in the right environment.

Word Count: 373

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Brutus, Wilkine, About Wilkine BrutusWilkine Brutus Is the Editor-in-chief of The Vanguard Element, a Website Featuring Social Commentary, Thought-provoking Content, and Short Films. He Is a Haitian-American Poet              Working on a Cross-genre Book Exploring the Human Condition, Richard P. Zemsky, and John McElhenney.”Shut Up Introverts: Ambiverts Deserve Attention, Too! -.” The Good Men Project. N.p., 21 Sept. 2013. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

Text Sources:

Bennington-Castro, Joseph. “The Science of What Makes an Introvert and an Extrovert.”Io9., 10 Sept. 2013. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

Lee, Brandon. “COMM 292: Blog 3 – 4 Types of Introversion? | Brandon Lee’s Blog.”Brandon Lees Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

Reisch, Robyn, and About Robyn ReischRobyn Reisch Is a Penn State Graduate Who Lives in Colorado with Her Husband, Son, and Two Dogs. When She Is Not Writing, She Can Be Found Embracing the Shake at Pure Barre and Embracing Other Mommies at Her MOPS Group. “Extroverted Introverts: 10 Things to Know.” UST. N.p., 22 Mar. 2017. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

“Nine Signs You’re Really an Introvert.” Psychology Today. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

Tags: Comm292, blogproject

The Culture We Live In

A lesson from our OB (organizational behaviour) class that has really stood out to me has been the idea of organizational culture. In order to understand an organization’s culture one would have to drill into that organization’s values, beliefs, attitudes, and ideas. Well, a huge part of an organization’s culture is formed by the key leaders and tends to typically take on a trickle down effect. These effects can be seen when the individuals at the top of the organization effect the ways in which everyone within the institution from the top to the bottom tend to dress, act, and perform their jobs. This type of effect can be a positive or negative one depending on what the expectations are.

Recently, my personal life took a sudden interest in the specific topic of organizational culture. I had begun working at a supposed marketing firm that was very successful and had many campaigns. However, soon after my first few days I was able to see the pyramid scheme that had been well established within this company. Many of the ideas they discussed in our morning meetings were about making money and being deceitful through the sales of merchant systems. After my third official day I had gained enough knowledge about the company’s culture that I decided to resign. I did not feel comfortable with the way the leaders within the company asked us to lie to small business owners in order to make a quick profit. In this situation, the organization’s values stemmed almost completely from money and it seemed to me that any ethics had been tossed to the side.  (image citation, 1)

A blog known as Office Vibe commented that greed is the ultimate culture killer, and the businesses that milk their employees without providing a decent atmosphere are not built for sustainability in today’s society (2).These comments made me wonder how company’s can effectively transform or create a more ethical culture. I found from our textbook that this type of change can be made by the manager(s) of the organization by the implementation of a few principles including: being a visible role model, communicating ethical expectations, providing ethics training, visibly rewarding ethical acts and punishing unethical ones, and providing protective mechanisms (3). I believe that over time these principles could transform the business world from being one of disception and greediness to one of modesty and integrity.

Word Count: 388

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(1) Rick, Torben. “Corporate Culture Comics and Cartoons – Organizational Culture.” Torben Rick. N.p., 06 Feb.2017. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.

Text Sources:

(2) Fermin, Jeff. “What A Good Company Culture Does For Human Resources.” Office Vibe. N.p., 25 May 2015. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.

(3) Langton, Nancy, Stephen P. Robbins, Tim Judge, and Katherine Breward.Organizational Behaviour: Concepts. Controversies, Applications. Toronto: Pearson, 2016. Print.

Tags: Comm292, blogproject


Stand Up For the Innocent

One of the largest controversial topics that has been up for debate in the last few months has been the election of Mr. Donald Trump. I mean how could you not talk about a narcissistic psychopath? Well as I’m sure everyone knows; recently, as per vox news, Trump has signed an executive order that bans all immigrants and visa holders from seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the US for the next 90 days. The countries on the list includes: Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, and Libya.

I feel that everyone has the right to their own opinion, hence my very straight-forward description of Donald in my first paragraph. As per our textbook, a narcissist is what we call an arrogant person that requires excessive admiration and hasnative-refugee-s-welcome a sense of entitlement. A psychopath is an individual that lacks concern for others and also has a lack of guilt or remorse when their own actions cause harm. I feel that Donald Trump shows no remorse for his actions and expects people to praise him even when he is causing thousands of people pain.

That being said, I wanted to bring up a story about some native people in the Los Angeles area. According to warrior publications, indigenous activists have started a social media campaign that has caught traction on both sides of the border using the slogan “no ban on stolen land.” The native americans joined the protests at American airports this past weekend, standing in solidarity with Muslim people and their allies against Trump’s travel ban. The picture above speaks a thousand words about how the aboriginal people whose ancestors originally inhabited what is now US soil feel about such a cruel act being passed. I would invite students from our class to speak out and make comments in regards to the action that the US has taken. As a United States citizen I can say that it truly saddens me to see my own country turning its back on innocent people.

Word Count: 330

Image Source:

Zag, Z. (2017, February 03). ‘No ban on stolen land,’ say Indigenous activists in U.S. Retrieved February 06, 2017, from

Text Sources:

Langton, N. (2015). Organizational Behaviour: Concepts, Controversies, Applications, Seventh Canadian Edition Plus NEW MyManagementLab with Pearson EText — Access Card Package (7th ed.). Pearson Education Canada.

Lind, D. (2017, January 27). Trump’s executive order on refugees closes America to those who need it most. Retrieved February 06, 2017, from

Zag, Z. (2017, February 03). ‘No ban on stolen land,’ say Indigenous activists in U.S. Retrieved February 06, 2017, from

Tags: Comm292, blogproject

Are You Calling Me Stupid?

This week I decided that I wanted to write about the hot drama that went down on the popular US reality show, The Bachelor. The show is currently airing its 21st season which is filled with some wild characters. The women that were in the spotlight this week were Taylor, the wellness counselor, and Corinne, who runs a multi-million dollar company. The two women were deep in a quarrel when Taylor explains that Corinne lacks “emotional intelligence.” However, Corinne does not know what this means and takes it simply as Taylor calling her stupid. Image result for taylor and Corinne on the bachelor

The cascading model of emotional intelligence contains the categories of conscientiousness, cognitive, and emotional stability. In this situation, with Taylor and Corinne, it is clear that Taylor has a somewhat elevated level of conscientiousness due to her ability to perceive the emotions and actions that Corinne is portraying. It seems that both women have a grasp on the cognitive category because they each understand why the other is feeling the way they are feeling, probably because they are fighting over a boy. However, it seems that the women let emotional stability escape them in this case because neither woman is able to control what she says or does in this situation.

According to, Taylor’s definition of emotional intelligence in simple terms is that it speaks to “self-awareness.” Now the definition that we students have come to learn is that emotional intelligence is the ability to detect and to manage emotional cues and information. I felt that this example of organizational behavior in the real world is something that helps me personally better grasp how important it is to understand how people interact not only in business but also in all other aspects of everyday life. After watching this week’s episode I am able to apprehend how concepts from our book, such as: “People who know their own emotions and are good at reading others’ emotions may be more effective in their jobs,” may apply outside of the classroom.

Word Count: 333

Image Source:

H. (2017, January 30). Corinne Olympios or Taylor Nolan: Who Does ‘The Bachelor’ Choose Tonight? Retrieved February 05, 2017, from

Text Source:

H. (2017, January 30). Corinne Olympios or Taylor Nolan: Who Does ‘The Bachelor’ Choose Tonight? Retrieved February 05, 2017, from

Holohan, M. (2017, February 02). Bachelor contestant discusses emotional IQ: Is she right? Retrieved February 05, 2017, from

Langton, N. (2015). Organizational Behaviour: Concepts, Controversies, Applications, Seventh Canadian Edition Plus NEW MyManagementLab with Pearson EText — Access Card Package (7th ed.). Pearson Education Canada.

Tags: Comm292, blogproject

It’s All About Your Perception

Recently I have questioned the study of homeopathic cures, specifically the very well-known oil of oregano. In the past few days I had a friend that came down with this terrible flu that has been going around. He swears by oil of oregano and has been taking it for the last 4 days. He swears that it is helping significantly but every time I have seen him in these past few days he seems to be the same and is only slowly getting better due to his immune system fighting off the sickness. This made me wonder why people are so attracted to homeopathic medications and the results of such cures.

After doing a little reading I came across a story about a woman named Tamara Lovett. According to cbcnews she was recently found guilty of negligence and failure to provide necessaries of life to her seven year old son who passed away in March of 2013. The Calgary mother had been treating her son’s strep infection with dandelion tea and oil of oregano. According to the huffingtonpost though, oil of oImage result for tamara lovett verdictregano is known as a means to fight colds and flus.

The entire case built around Tamara’s guilt is based on the attribution theory. The judge and the jury must have had the perception that this mother truly was neglecting her child, but was this the truth she saw? Maybe the truth she saw was what she had been told about homeopathic cures and the past experiences she had with using such medicine. Clearly the distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency of the situation all ranked on the high end of the scale. The big question is whether or not the fundamental attribution error played a key role in this case. Did the judge and/or jury underestimate external factors or overestimate internal factors when making judgements about the behavior of Tamara Lovett?


Word Count: 309

Image Source:

Grant, M. (2017, January 23). Calgary mom found guilty in death of sick son after giving him herbal remedies. Retrieved January 23, 2017, from

Text Sources:

Coles, T. (2016, January 07). Why Oil Of Oregano Is Your New Best Friend. Retrieved January 23, 2017, from

Grant, M. (2017, January 23). Calgary mom found guilty in death of sick son after giving him herbal remedies. Retrieved January 23, 2017, from

Graveland, B. (2017, January). Calgary mother criminally negligent in son’s death. Retrieved January 23, 2017, from

Tags: Comm292, blogproject

Discovery Channel or Discovering A Hoax

I think many people will remember the extremely realistic documentary created by Discovery Channel known as Mermaid: The Body Found. The piece delved into the science behind mermaids and the footage that supposedly reveals how real these creatures are. When I was young I watched Discovery Channel because it was always known as a network that shows educational nature documents. In this case, however, I think they went too far.

Image result for mermaids the body found causes speculation\My classmate, Jina, discusses the affects of advertisement and the power of communication through marketing in one of her blog posts which I feel shows a direct correlation to the unjust acts of marketing that have taken place in the networking world. I completely agree with Jina’s explanation of how a product’s success will rely on the way it is marketed to its customers. If the product’s value proposition is successfully advertised to its customer segment, then it is bound to succeed.

In this case with Discovery Channel, the network chose to prey on young adults and children, its customer segment, in order to gain ratings. According to Business Insider, the network has continued to create fake documentaries despite the widespread backlash in an effort to net viewers. They use fake footage and actors to star as real scientists to create such an impact on the viewers and then at the end add a small blip about how some of the footage has been doctored. When Business Insider reached out to Discovery channel for a comment on these criticisms, they did not receive a response. Hmm, why would a network that has such a great reputation with the world for educating the public about various aspects of nature jeopardize that reputation just to gain viewers?

Image result for discovery channel liesAfter reading Market Realist, it can become understood that cable networks make their money by providing content to distributors. Media networks face stiff competition for acquisition and distribution of content. The quality as well as exclusivity of content add to the competition across the media value chain. Now it becomes clear why Discovery Channel would fill our heads with fraudulent ideas, it was all to make a profit. By having “exclusive” knowledge in regards to the mermaids and many other documentaries, the network was gaining the upper-hand on its competitors.

I am simply saddened by the decision that such valued networks have made. I can not argue that they have not made smart business decisions because these fake documentaries have helped them gain viewers but at what cost? The value proposition of these companies has been destroyed due to their lack of business ethics and I wonder how long it will be before the customer segment becomes demolished as a result of these poor decisions.

Word Count: 450

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Exxon Helps Kill Our Planet

Recently I have taken up an interest in the debate of global warming. Through my tantalizing Earth and Ocean Science course I was able to learn about this particular topic. The general public have heard that Earth’s mean temperature has been gradually increasing as a result of two different ideas. One being that the sun over time burns brighter which increases the amount of radiation that the Earth intercepts, and two: that human beings are increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere which increases Earth’s temperature. is convinced that it’s the sun and its development of sun spots to blame for the Earth gradually getting warmer over the last few decades, I am not convinced. 

This week in Comm 101 my interests were peaked when we discussed corporate social responsibility and sustainability. I was shocked by the news regarding how much big corporations actually help our planet through sustainability. For example, Coca-Cola focuses on the following: economic empowerment and entrepreneurship for women, water conservation and recycling for developing countries, and developing youth initiatives. I decided to do a little more research on the big corporations of our world and what I found was very disturbing. Imagine, a corporation that had the scientific reports to prove how burning fossil fuels is causing global warming, but withholding this knowledge from the public for almost 40 years.

According to the Scientific American, Exxon mobile was aware of climate change as early as 1977. As soon as the company became aware it began a full on research project which cost over $1 million. The results of the study showed that carbon dioxide rates were furiously increasing as a result of humans burning fossil fuels. The head scientist at the time, James Black, reported to Exxon that if the burning of fossil fuels did not slow down, then the Earth’s mean temperature would increase by two to three degrees within the next 10 years. Since coming into this gold mine of knowledge, Exxon has spent more than $30 million on think tanks that promote climate denial.

Exxon’s lack of corporate social responsibility has caused us to almost double our rates of carbon dioxide emissions due to the burning of fossil fuels. The human race has lost valuable time in the race against global warming and it’s all thanks to Exxon Mobile. After acquiring this information I started questioning how we are supposed to change such damaging decisions made by large corporations such as this one. Human beings know the difference between right and wrong, but most of the time we choose to ignore damaging decisions such as this one. I hope for our sake that we can turn the situation around.

Word Count: 444

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Nail Polish: A Woman’s Best Ally Against Rape

A rape has occurred if any person is forced to part take in sexual intercourse that they did not consent to. Sexual assault is a crime that takes place so often that it tends to be a topic widely discussed. Many times a sexual assault takes place during a party or when a person has gone out clubbing with their friends. As a result the public has questioned how we can protect ourselves from such crimes.

That being said, about a year ago I was discussing rape culture with a few of my friends at lunch and one of them began to talk about a nail polish. According to CBC  the nail polish was created by a group of male engineering students that attended North Carolina State University. The nail polish changes colors when it comes into contact with the typical “date rape drugs” including but not limited to: Rohypnol, Xanax, and GHB. The individual simply has to stir their drink with their finger and if the nail polish changes color, then they will know that their drink has been spiked. 

While researching the product I came across a blog, only with consent, that made negative comments about such a product. The author of the blog stated that the “nail polish adds to the laundry list of steps women are supposed to take to prevent being raped.” They compared the product to a drink-ware that has the same affects as the nail polish. This got me thinking about the business aspects that lay behind the creation of such a product. I thought back to topics discussed in class and I wondered about how the product would be priced and if the creators were only trying to make a quick profit off of their idea. I wondered, does it actually work?

While reading some of my peers’ blogs I discovered someone’s post regarding business ethics. Fathia  brought up some fascinating points regarding an unethical slogan made by the beer company, Budlight. Image result for “The perfect beer for removing ‘no’ from your vocabulary for the night #UpForWhatever“.The slogan was: “The perfect beer for removing ‘no’ from your vocabulary for the night #UpForWhatever“. I loved the point she made in her post about how Budlight has been criticized by the public for the way the slogan encourages sexual harassment. Fathia further interpreted her point of poor business ethics by questioning what story the brand was trying to portray with such a slogan. This brought me to a full circle with my thinking in regards to the nail polish. If it wasn’t for poor marketing schemes such as the Budlight one which encourages negative behavior, then there wouldn’t be as large of a demand for the creation of such products to protect people from those poor decisions.

Word Count: 449

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Shoot vs. Don’t Shoot: The Effects

A huge part of a police officer’s training is to learn how to shoot a gun and when to shoot a gun. Police departments train their officers how to react in high-pressure situations. In many cases officers have very few seconds to decide if they will shoot or not. Many people know the results that occur if an officer chooses to draw his gun, but do people know the statistics behind what may happen if an officer chooses to keep his weapon holstered?

Image result for police officers getting shotAccording to the Washington Post, from January to July of 2016, 67 law enforcement officers have died. About 21 of these deaths did not result in “felonious incidents” while the remaining 46 deaths occurred from encounters with criminals. This number is significantly up from 2015 where the halfway mark indicated 25 officer deaths that resulted from being fatally shot and killed. Obviously one may not know what exactly took place in those 46 cases; however, we may assume that the individuals that attacked these officers were not acting in self-defense.

Of course there are two sides to every story. Therefore, we must also take a look at the number of individuals that were shot around this time period by police officers that were on the job. It has been reported that from January to July of 2015 the number of Americans that were shot and killed by officers are as follows: 732 white Americans, 381 black Americans, and the remaining 382 were of another race. At first these statistics may shock people as they thought that more black people have been killed by cops than white people; well they are not necessarily wrong. White people make-up about 62% of the population in the U.S. while the black community makes up about 13% of the population.

One question that may arise in many people’s minds is: why do officers shoot to kill? Well CNN decided to ask Cedric Alexander, a nationally recognized policing expert who was called in to review the Ferguson case. Alexander stated “Officers are trained to “shoot to stop,” which often results in a homicide. They aim for the center mass of a person’s chest because it is the target they are most certain to hit and is most likely to take the suspect down.”

I feel that every story has two sides and that we as human beings must assess a story to the best of our abilities. I feel that many innocent Americans have been killed due to gun violence. These innocent Americans include police officers and citizens. I would ask the public to put themselves in the victims shoes. What would you do if you were an officer on the job or a citizen walking down the street that was stopped by the police?

Word Count: 449

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Sources: News




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