Author Archives: amber forsythe

Amber & Sim: Where to find week 7 Article!

Hi folks! Some of you mentioned you are unable to access the article. It is tricky… but we have put below a step by step guide for you to quickly access it. I know you are all very busy as we are getting closer to practicums, but luckily this is a light read. You do not need to go into much detail when looking it over. Just make sure you have an overall understanding of it.


2. Keywords: Children and their curriculum: The perspectives of primary and elementary school children

3. Choose the first link!

4. Near the top of the article it should say “Go to Page” _____

5. In the blank area type: 143 and hit enter.

6. This should take you to the first page of the article

7. Any other confusion please let us know!

As a reminder, your task is to write down 3 key take away’s from the article. It can be something you found interesting, something that relates to your past experiences or even your upcoming experiences you may consider for your practicum.

Also, don’t forget your leaf for Thursday… best looking leaf gets a prize! Just kidding, but please do bring a leaf, there are lots still around campus!

Amber & Sim