Advent calendar of beer part 2

To keep the posts from getting too long, I am going to split my reviews of the advent calendar of beer into 3 parts. Given that we are up to the 9th beer, it is time to start part 2.

Beer #9: Parallel 49 Hoparazzi Lager 6.0% ABV 43 IBU
Rated: 7 out of 10
This beer combines the hoppiness of a west coast IPA with a lager. One of the consequences of this is that the beer has a vaguely unpleasant nose. It has a nice rich golden colour, but doesn’t hold it’s head very well. The bitterness, although not slight at 43 IBUs, is not overpowering and you still get some nice floral tones and an underlying crispness. It’s a decent beer, but I’m jut not sure when I would drink it. If I want a hoppy beer, I would prefer to go the full hog and have an IPA (like beer #3, the Filthy Dirty IPA), and if I want a lager I would prefer something a bit crisper.

Beer #10: Red Race Extra Special Bitter 5.6% ABV
Rated: 7 out of 10
The initial indications on this beer were all positive. It has a nice nose, and pours with a nice head. On the other hand, the taste profile is somewhat lacking. It has the bitterness profile that you would expect from an English style bitter beer, but the finish feels like it is missing a tone or two. It’s not a bad attempt at an ESB, and the fact that it can pour a nice head is a refreshing change, but it’s not quite there either.


Beer #11: Parallel 49 Craft Lager 5% ABV 18 IBU
Rated: 8 out of 10
This is a nice pale coloured lager, with a distinctly inoffensive nose but rather poor head retention. The taste is crisp and clean, a good easy drinking lager. It’s probably the closest thing to an Australian style lager that I have tasted since being in Canada, although an Australian lager is a bit heavier on the bitterness. This is an eminently drinkable beer, that would go down a treat on a hot summers day.

Beer #12: Red Racer Copper Ale 5% ABV 23 IBU
Rated: 8 out of 10
This is a nice copper coloured ale, with reasonable head retention. It has a subtly floral nose, and a smooth, clean flavour. Just like yeserday’s beer, this is more of a summer beer than a winter beer, as it is on the lighter end of the spectrum of ales.

Beer #13: Parallel 49 Black Christmas Christmas Dark Ale 6.5% ABV 65 IBU
Rated: 5 out of 10
Well, this Christmas dark ale is certainly dark. It is almost a pure black colour, with just a hint of ruby redness. The nose isn’t terribly sophisticated, it just smells like a strong dark beer. And boy, do the flavours pack a punch. The initial taste is strong and dark, with perhaps a hint of sourness, and then the after taste is a combination of alcohol and an unpleasant bitterness. Not a good beer.

Beer #14: Red Truck Indian Session Ale 4% ABV
Rated: 7 out of 10
This beer is a low alcohol version of an IPA, designed to be drunk during lazy summer days. It pours with a deep golden colour, with little to no head. It has a reasonable flavour profile, but it is a little less sophisticated than a standard IPA. The bitterness is a bit overwhelming, as the alcohol content isn’t high enough to offset it. It’s a reasonable beer, but I think that generally lagers are a better vehicle for low alcohol beers.

Beer #15: Gypsy Tears Ruby Ale 6% ABV 40 IBU
Rated: 8 out of 10
There’s no use crying Gypsy Tears over spilt beer, unless that beer is Gypsy Tears beer that your partner spilled for you. Fortunately for all involved, there was still enough beer left for a review. As the name suggests, this beer has a nice ruby colouring to it. The nose has a nice fruity feel to it, although once again it has trouble holding it’s head. The flavour has nice velvety undertones, although the after taste is somewhat dominated by the bitterness. All in all, a good versatile beer.

Beer #16: Red Racer IPA Ale 6.5% ABV
Rated: 8 out of 10
The IPA is the beer that makes or breaks a craft brewery on the west coast. As such, it’s pretty rare that you come across a bad IPA, and this beer is no different. While it’s not quite up to the level of the best of the Parallel 49 IPAs, it’s still a fine beer. The colour is lighter than some IPAs, but still much darker than a typical lager. There is little to no head, and the nose is floral. The flavour is good blend of bitterness and fruity notes. Crucially, the after taste is more fruity than bitter, leaving a good finish.

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