A few updates from SUBC:
First of all, we will be setting up a booth at the Engineering Open House this Saturday from 9:00 – 4:00 in the Kaiser Atrium. There will be other student teams present, as well as professors and students from all branches of engineering, and of course, a barbecue. So, come on out and take a look around. More information is available in volume 3, issue 11 of the e-nEUS.
As for our progress on the hull mold, we have had promising results from our materials compatibility tests. For one, we know are confident that the epoxy won’t melt the foam used for the plug. As well, we determined that the wax we hope to use as release wax seems to work quite well and, aAs it is easier to apply, it should help speed up the mold making process.
Remember, the open house is TOMORROW from 9:00 – 4:00 in Kaiser. We look forward to seeing you there!