Week Six: Sharing our Inquiry

Today I had the opportunity to share my inquiry question with fellow TCs from other cohorts. I was very interested to see what our discussion would be like. We all are such different individuals, with different perspectives and from different cohorts.

I did not get much feedback on my inquiry question. I am not a bit concerned. Does my inquiry question even make sense? It is something that has already been explored?

However, there was an inquiry question which I found very interesting. A fellow colleague is inquiring how to integrate competition into the classroom and motivate a student to perform to his or her capabilities. I started to wonder does competition have anything to do with my inquiry? Is this something I should be exploring too?

This meeting is definitely encouraging me to look at my inquiry question from a new perspective.

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  1. Your annotated bibliography has shown that you have researched your topic and have a good understanding of the many perspectives and need for continued learning your question generates. Great!! I look forward to reading your next three blog posts and how they connect to your current research and how they will be implemented in your ten week practicum!!

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