Gathering Information

In this part of the activity you are to gather data according to the instructions and questions below.

1) What does your company do, manufacture, or specialize in?

2) If I invested $1,000,000 in this company (on July 1, 2011) how many stocks could I have bought?

3) Create a chart similar to the one below (using Excel) to determine the unit price for each stock within the last year.  For this you will need to use Google Finance and search for your stock. Determine what the stock price was on the 15th of each month and place the value in the table, as well as how much it has increased or decreased from last month’s price.  To represent a gain, use a positive integer, and to represent a loss, use a negative integer.

4) Based on the data collected from last years stock performance, how much money would I have gained or lost? Hint-you will need to use the profit/loss from the first month and last month

5) Create a line graph of the stock prices over the last year for each month (the first two colums of your table from the above table)


6) Create a bar graph from month-to-month representing the increase/decrease in unit stock prices for your respective company (first column and third column of your chart from the chart above)