Outdoor School Program Blog:

Finding Time to Practice Mindfulness in the Forest

This week at the Outdoor School Program at the Cheakamus Centre was exiting. We received fresh snow followed by blue skies. Three school groups joined together to share their experiences. Students had the opportunity to participate in many different field studies while on site, learning about the environment and their connections to it. During our Forest Field Study this week, we took time to notice all of the fresh animal tracks, the incredible presence of so many bald eagles and the ancient cedars. We also took time to practice some mindfulness in the forest, learning about the benefits of mindfulness and then trying it for themselves. This was a highlight for many. Students focused on being present in the moment, in tune with the environment around them, using their senses, and resisting distracting thoughts of things happening tomorrow, later today or yesterday. Students took time to be silent and refrain from talking to others and just walked for 10 minutes together on the forest trail, noticing, wondering and being reminded of how lucky we are to learn here. Students commented that they felt feelings of calmness, being centered, connected and relaxed.


SLRD Zero Waste Educator Workshops and Blog

As a Zero Waste Educator for four years with the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District, I created a Zero Waste Blog which  was designed to inspire others in the region to practice Zero Waste strategies. I shared ideas and celebrated successes of those who participated in Zero Waste workshops and took “Zero Waste Challenges”.

Check it out: http://slrdzerowaste.blogspot.ca/search?updated-max=2015-03-02T13:18:00-08:00&max-results=7&start=7&by-date=false

SLRD 2013 ad-1

The Zero Waste Workshop ELM ’12


Coordinated and Led Weekly Outdoor, Experiential, Ecological Education Activities for a small new school in Squamish.

“What is OE3?” is a question we got quite often. Outdoor, Experiential, and Ecological Education (OE3) was a program unique to CMA that took place on Friday afternoons and sometimes for the full day. We created activities and programs that applied the theoretical learning from the week in active, engaging, and fun ways.


Round Square Coordinator and Service Program Coordinator

I lead a leadership class for students interested in making a difference both locally and globally in environmental and humanitarian areas.

Some highlights of my time in this role were that I created a Belize Service Trip (that still happens every year to this day, almost 10 years later). I also helped to create a program for and facilitate an International Sustainability Conference called Creating Sustainable Communities: Local to Global.

My Individual Learning Plan:

Heidi Revised ILP Oct

Reflection on my progress so far…I am so grateful for this opportunity to go back to school and develop professionally as I needed a little push to get back on track to some of my Education for Sustainability goals. I have grown professionally already so much in just the past 6 months, which has far exceeded my expectations. I have joined a cohort and a Masters Degree Program; I have joined as a Board of Directors for the EEPSA (Environmental Educators Provincial Specialist Association); I have started Educational Consulting again (helping to encourage Pre-service teachers to learn more about Education for Sustainability so they will bring it into the schools with them); I completed my Mindfulness for Educators training; I have started a new job as an Environmental Learning Teacher at the Cheakamus Centre, where I am learning and reflecting every day about how to deliver engaging Place-based, Sustainability and Experiential Education workshops to students; I am learning how to run a fish hatchery, how to build an aquaponics sustainable food system; how to take care of farm animals; and so much more it seems. I may need to slow down the pace a bit to ensure my lifestyle is sustainable – that is the area I would like to focus on as well in this new year!