Please check out my Foods and Nutrtion 9 Moodle!

Moodle Reflection

I created a Moodle site for my Foods & Nutrition 9 class that I teach face-to-face.  I plan on using this site to support my in class instruction and increase the breadth of knowledge that we explore by using the Internet and online tools.  Visit my Moodle.

  • 1. Splash page using an object orientation (5) – I decided to use the “topic format” versus the weekly format as we will use the site where applicable and not every week. I have a topic set for each content module and at the top of the splash page I have images that direct students to various components.
  1. Two (or more) complete content modules (5) – I created four Modules as I plan on using this site in the Fall.  The first module is a simple getting to know each other module.  The next two modules explore healthy living and recipes.  The last module includes the final exam.
  2. (At least) one module programmed for selective release (1) – I “hide” the last module (the exam) and I set it for the exam to open on a specific date.
  3. Two general discussion fora topics (2)  – I have 3 general discussions.  First, an icebreaker and where students discuss what foods they like and don’t like.  The next two discussions are questions I pose to the students to get a discussion going between the students.
  4. One group discussion forum for (at least) 2 groups (2) – I created 3 groups and a private discussion forum for them to collaborate.
  5. A reflection upon your experience completing this assignment in your reflective practice weblog.

Creating the Moodle site was the best experience I have had this far in the MET program.  I loved the process of creating it and the concept of a LMS to support my in class instruction. 

From the process point of view, I found the Moodle site intuitive and the online help was accessible and useful.  I also enjoyed how I was able to customize the look and feel of my site relatively easy.  I wanted my site to have a lot of white space to ensure that students could easily navigate and find the required work and I believe that I have accomplished this.  I also liked that I was able to switch between a weekly format and a topic format.  I can see the benefit of each and this time around I believe that the topic will best suit my needs.  I also like how easy it is to “hide” topics/assignments from students.  This way, I will be able to use my site as is and release information in a timely manner.  At this point, I don’t have any complaints or suggestions for Moodle.  I anticipate as time goes on and I use more functions that there will be changes that I want to make.

The fact that Moodle is designed around Constructivist pedagogy ensures that all activities and resources are available to address any instruction or assignments I wished to do with my students.  The online nature of the Moodle site also is a vehicle for my students to use various Internet tools.  Overall, I think I did an excellent job of addressing the goals I had set out in the beginning of the term:

 I have identified the following goals to enrich student learning in my classroom:

1. Improve collaboration between students.
2. Improve communication with parents.
3. Explore and experiment with different recipes and food techniques to make the experience more authentic.

I am excited to use my Moodle site and I am confident that my students and I will enjoy the experience.

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