Category Archives: Blog


Ideas Brought to Life!


Allbaloo was a business venture that I started, with a goal of promoting sustainability, gender equality, and labour rights in the fashion industry through eco-friendly and ethically-made products. As a self-taught entrepreneur, I acquired various skills including digital marketing, graphic design, event coordination, photography, advertising, sales, and web design. By leveraging these skills, I was able to effectively promote the brand and products across multiple channels. The brand’s emphasis on social responsibility and ethical practices proved to be successful, with over 250 planners and 1000 t-shirts sold and 10% of profits donated to charity. I take great pride in the achievements and positive impact of Allbaloo. If you’d like to learn more about the brand and its story, please feel free to visit the archived website.


As part of my programming coursework, I developed a budget tracking application that allows users to track their income and expenses in different categories. I used Java Swing to create an intuitive and user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for the application. Throughout the project, I utilized my knowledge of Java fundamentals to create a robust and efficient program that could accurately track financial information. This project was an excellent opportunity for me to practice my coding skills while also gaining experience in developing GUIs and working with financial data.


For a project in my Python programming course, I created a program that reads data from a United Nations CSV file and presents the Gender Inequality Index (GII) of each continent in the form of bar charts. I used my introductory Python skills to write the program, which involved importing the necessary libraries and utilizing basic programming concepts such as loops, conditional statements, and functions. By creating the program, I gained valuable experience in working with data and presenting it in an informative and visually appealing manner.

Revised Classwork

This page is dedicated to showcasing my best work completed in English 301, which has been carefully revised and refined to demonstrate my effective writing skills.

Revised Definition Assignment

The Definition assignment was successful in achieving its purpose of enhancing my technical writing skills, particularly in terms of defining complex terms in a clear and concise manner. Through completing the assignment, I was able to learn a great deal about Machine Learning, which contributed significantly to my overall understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, I found the assignment to be informative as it introduced me to the concept of parenthetical definitions, which I had not encountered before. Overall, the Definition assignment provided me with a well-rounded learning experience that was both effective and valuable.

Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

The Peer Review of the Definition assignment was a valuable experience for me, as it helped me to enhance my editing and peer-reviewing skills. By reading my classmate’s expanded definition of VLAN, I was able to learn a lot about the topic and gain new insights into its complexities. Additionally, the assignment enabled me to utilize my ability to read documents while keeping other perspectives in mind, particularly those from non-technical backgrounds. Overall, the Peer Review of the Definition assignment was a success, as it provided me with a range of valuable learning experiences that will benefit me both in and outside of the classroom.

Revised Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys

The Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report assignments were a valuable learning experience for me, as it helped me to stay organized and on track while working on a complex and lengthy project. The formal report proposal provided me with a solid foundation and a clear understanding of what was expected from me, allowing me to gather my thoughts and approach the project with confidence. The progress report helped me to remain organized and meet all of my deadlines, ensuring that the project was completed on time and to a high standard. Overall, the Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys Assignment was a success, as it enabled me to present my findings in a clear and concise manner.

Revised Proposal Memo

The Proposal Memo assignment was a valuable learning experience for me, as it taught me how to write a concise and effective memorandum to update others on the progress of an important project. This is a crucial skill that will be useful in the workplace, as I will need to regularly update my superiors on my progress. The assignment provided me with the opportunity to practice and refine my communication skills, enabling me to clearly articulate complex information in a concise and easy-to-understand manner. Overall, the Proposal Memo assignment was a success, as it helped me to develop a range of important skills that will benefit me both in my academic and professional career.

Revised LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

The LinkedIn Best Practices Memo assignment was a valuable learning experience for me, as it highlighted the importance of maintaining an up-to-date and competitive online presence, especially in today’s highly competitive job market. The assignment encouraged me to evaluate my own LinkedIn profile and update it to reflect the best practices that I suggested in my post. Overall, the LinkedIn Best Practices Memo assignment was a success, as it provided me with valuable insights into how to effectively leverage LinkedIn to advance my career goals and stand out in a crowded job market.

Revised Memo to Evan Crisp

The Memo to Evan Crisp assignment was a valuable learning experience for me, as it emphasized the importance of maintaining a professional tone in all emails sent in a professional setting, such as school or work. The assignment also taught me the concept of writing with a “You Attitude”, which was a new and valuable skill that I had not been explicitly introduced to before. Overall, the Memo to Evan Crisp assignment was a success, as it helped me to develop my professional communication skills and provided me with valuable insights into how to write effective and persuasive memos in a professional setting.

Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report

The Peer Review of a Formal Report assignment was a valuable learning experience for me, as it provided me with the opportunity to peer review my classmate’s formal report draft and offer insight into its effectiveness and grammatical correctness. By reviewing my classmate’s work, I was able to identify minor areas for possible improvement, while also recognizing areas where I could improve my own report as a result. Overall, the assignment was a success, as it helped me to enhance my editing and peer reviewing skills, while also allowing me to learn from my peers and improve my own writing.

Application Package

The attached document is a job advertisement for a highly sought-after summer internship position at Spotify. The position is for a Product Manager in the Freemium Mission team, where the successful candidate will have the opportunity to work on a highly visible project that impacts the company’s bottom line. This position is ideal for those interested in the music industry and product management.

Spotify Job Advertisement

As a candidate applying for a Product Manager Intern position at Spotify, my cover letter highlights my experience as a Project Owner at Allbaloo, showcasing my skills in various business operations. Additionally, my customer service experiences at Maximus and Telus highlight my strong communication skills. Lastly, I emphasize my excitement for the role and the current enrollment in the Google Project Management certificate program to demonstrate my commitment to developing my product management skills.

Spotify Cover Letter

My resume neatly displays my varied interests in technology, business, and design, as well as my academic and professional achievements relevant to the job posting. I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree and am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Computer Science. Through my education and work experiences, I have developed a range of skills that I believe will be valuable in the Product Manager Intern position at Spotify.

Spotify Resume

For my job search, I reached out to my past supervisors at RBC, Maximus, and Telus by writing three letters requesting references. To ensure a professional tone, I kept my letters clear and concise. In addition, I also asked each supervisor for their preferred communication method to ensure clear and efficient communication during the reference process.

Letters Requesting References

Below, you will find my complete application package for the position, which includes the job posting, cover letter, resume, and three reference letters that I have requested. Thank you for taking the time to review my application.


Tanya Mozafari

 (778) 951-2820 | | Vancouver, BC


  • University of British Columbia | Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Minor in Commerce | June 2020
  • University of British Columbia | Bachelor of Computer Science | December 2024
  • Google Project Management | Professional Certificate| July 2023


  • RBC, Associate (March 22 – August 22)
    • Evaluated and verified complex mortgage applications, ensuring consistency and accuracy in all documents and data, while adhering to internal policies and regulatory requirements
    • Collaborated with Mortgage Specialists and other stakeholders to address client inquiries and resolve any issues
  • Maximus Canada/Service BC, Customer Service Representative (April 21 – December 21)
    • Providing front-line support through Cisco Call Centre phone routing for citizens in BC by using active listening to diagnose and resolve problems related to booking and scheduling of the COVID-19 vaccination
    • Leveraging problem-solving skills and knowledge repository to analyze, diagnose, and resolve citizen issues
  • Telus, Client Care Representative (May 19 – September 19)
    • Offered customer service excellence in post-sales support for products and services through relationship building and quick problem resolution in a call-center environment
    • Effectively upsold additional telecommunications products to customers by understanding their unique needs
  • Allbaloo, Project Owner (May 18 – May 20)
    • Self-taught digital marketing, graphic design, event coordination, advertising, and web-design to create a brand with a planner and sustainable t-shirts as a platform to raise awareness on issues within the fast-fashion industry
    • Demonstrated excellent sales skills and outstanding results by selling over 250 planners and 1000 t-shirts
  • UBC Annual Giving, Project Assistant (January 18 – May 18)
    • Inquired donations to support school funds and campaigns by utilizing strong interpersonal skills, active listening, and negotiation skills in a call-center environment
    • Successfully built rapport with multiple school alumni and thus raised over $7,000 for the UBC General Bursary


  • Software Construction – Budget Tracker (Java)
    • Created budget tracking application with income and expense categories and developed GUI using Java Swing
  • Systematic Program Design – Gender Inequality Index (Python)
    • Presented Gender Inequality Index of each continent with bar charts based on data read from UN csv file


  • Technical: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Web Design
  • Other: research, writing, editing, proofreading, typing, presenting, copywriting, data analysis, conflict resolution
  • Languages: English (fluent), Farsi (fluent), Spanish (intermediate)


  • UBC Political Science Students Association, VP of Academics (August 18 – August 19)
    • Provided academic support and career tools to students through media advertising and strong public relations
    • Served as Committee Chair and planned the annual information session and the Peer Mentorship program
  • UBC Journal of Political Studies, Editor (October 18 – April 19)
    • Select and edit papers fit for publication while gaining skills in professional writing, editing, and publishing
    • Solicit paper submissions and interact with edifying peers through rounds of lively debate and contestation
  • UBC Kappa Alpha Theta, Chief Financial Officer (December 18 – December 19)
    • Oversaw and monitored the budget while honing my abilities in Microsoft Excel, data analytics, and accounting
    • Created extensive budget plan that addressed existing deficits and an action plan to recover from existing debt

Reflection: Self-Assessment

As the end of the semester approaches, it’s important to take some time to reflect on my learning process and assignments. In terms of weaknesses, I have struggled with time management this semester. With a full course load, I sometimes find it challenging to balance all of my coursework and prioritize effectively. I have found myself spending longer than anticipated on assignments, which disrupts my workflow for other classes. This is an area where I need to improve, and I plan to work on better time management strategies going forward.

On the other hand, I have a number of strengths that have served me well this semester. I am meticulous and detail-oriented in all of my writing and school work. I take pride in ensuring that my work is of the highest quality and that I have followed all instructions to the letter. Additionally, I am very creative and organized, which has helped me to come up with new and innovative ideas and to keep track of multiple assignments and deadlines. As a strong communicator, both verbally and in writing, I believe I collaborated well with my English 301 group this semester to ensure that we all finish this class as stronger writers.

Looking forward to my future career goals, I believe that my strengths as a student will be valuable assets. My goal is to become a Product Manager, and the skills I have developed during my time in school will be instrumental in achieving this goal. Being meticulous and detail-oriented will be important in ensuring that products are developed to the highest standards, while creativity and organization will be essential in coming up with new and innovative ideas and keeping projects on track. Strong communication skills will also be important in working with cross-functional teams and ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

In addition to these general strengths, I also have a foundation of technical knowledge that will be useful in leading the product development of software products. As an entrepreneur at heart, I have always been interested in bringing new products to market and I believe that my combination of technical expertise and business acumen will be a valuable asset in this regard.

Overall, while there are certainly areas where I can improve, I feel that I have made significant progress this semester in developing the skills and strengths that will support my future career goals. I plan to continue working on my weaknesses while leveraging my strengths to achieve success in my future endeavors.

Reflection: Web Folio

Creating my Web Folio has been an enriching experience that helped me master the skill of creating a professional website. As an aspiring Technical Product Manager, having a strong digital presence is crucial, and this project has allowed me to showcase my technical and creative abilities. By building this platform, I have not only demonstrated my proficiency in technical writing, but also my ability to communicate effectively through web design and digital media.

Furthermore, I believe my Web Folio will be a valuable tool in increasing my chances of getting an internship. It has allowed me to showcase my wide range of skills and experiences, including my technical aptitude, creativity, and communication skills, all of which are essential for a successful career in technical product management. The blog section of my website, in particular, has been a useful platform for me to evaluate and self-edit my writing, allowing me to continuously improve my skills as a writer.

Overall, the Web Folio has provided me with a space to highlight my skills and experiences in a professional and visually appealing way, making it easier for potential employers to see what I have to offer. I am confident that my Web Folio will help me to stand out in the job market and provide me with an edge in securing an internship or job in the future.

Reflection: Unit One, Unit Two, and Unit Three

What have I learned?

Unit One Reflection Blog

Completing the writing exercises in Unit One has been an insightful learning experience for me. For the assignment where we were tasked with writing three definitions, I focused on understanding how to write a properly formatted definition in technical writing. This required breaking down complex concepts into simple language, making them more accessible to readers. It also made me aware of the importance of considering my audience’s level of technical understanding when writing.

During the peer review process, I had the opportunity to analyze another person’s writing style and identify areas where I could improve my own writing. This helped me to develop critical thinking skills and honed my ability to provide constructive feedback to my peers to improve their writing. Reviewing the work of others allowed me to recognize the value of analyzing different writing styles.

Through the editing process, I focused on revising my own work while keeping the perspective of others in mind. I aimed to present my ideas in a clear and concise manner, making them more accessible to a wider audience. I learned how to evaluate my writing from multiple viewpoints and recognized the importance of being concise in technical writing. In particular, I removed technical terms such as “artificial neural networks” and “manual feature extraction” from my definitions, based on the feedback from my peer review. This allowed me to present my ideas in a clear and concise manner, making them more accessible to a wider audience.

In conclusion, the exercises in Unit One have helped me gain a deeper understanding of technical writing and develop important skills for future writing projects. Analyzing and improving my own writing, reviewing the writing of others, and receiving constructive feedback from my peer were all invaluable learning experiences. Overall, I believe that my writing skills have expanded to include the ability to communicate technical information to a wider audience.

Revised Definition of Machine Learning

Peer’s Review of Machine Learning Definition

Unit Two Reflection Blog

Reflecting on the process of researching how to create a LinkedIn profile, I realized that even though I had an existing profile, there was still so much to learn about best practices and how to be a competitive candidate in today’s workforce. It was an enjoyable experience to learn more about creating a professional social media network like LinkedIn. I realized that in today’s job market, having a well-crafted LinkedIn profile could be a valuable tool for job seekers.

As for the process of brainstorming and preparing my report proposal and outline, I feel that it has been a great way to stay organized and on track. I feel much more capable and prepared now that I have created and distributed my student surveys. Creating an outline has helped me to organize my thoughts and ideas, making the report writing process much smoother.

While I feel that I have a decent sense of how to put together a formal report as a second-degree student, I am still looking forward to the finished report as this is my first time creating a report based on student responses that I have collected myself. It will be interesting to see how the data I have collected will shape the final report.

During the peer review process, reviewing Sangita’s proposal also helped me improve my own proposal. Some of the questions that arose when I read her proposal made me realize that I should make some clarifications in my own proposal. For example, specifying the mode of the survey. This peer review process was helpful in identifying potential shortcomings in my writing, and it was great to hear another perspective to ensure that my writing is clear and concise.

Overall, the peer review process has been very helpful in identifying weaknesses in my writing and has allowed me to improve my writing skills. I was surprised by the quality of my colleagues’ work, and it was great to see the different perspectives they brought to the table. As I move forward in the report writing process, I will make sure to expand on the details of my proposed solution in the final report and I have already updated the audience for my report. Peer reviewing has definitely impacted my view of my writing and I look forward to continuing to improve my skills in the next unit.

Report Proposal: Increasing Available Co-op Positions for UBC Students

Peer Review of My Report Proposal

Unit Three Reflection Blog

Writing a formal report draft was an enriching experience that provided me with valuable research, organization, and writing skills. During my research, I learned the importance of critically evaluating sources and selecting only credible and relevant ones that support the purpose of my report. For instance, my report focused on unemployment faced by hard-working co-op students, and I made sure to look for sources that were specific to this topic rather than general articles on unemployment.

Organizing my report was also a crucial part of the process, and I learned how to create sections that were easy to comprehend and flow logically. Breaking down the complex topic into smaller sections helped me ensure that I covered all necessary information and presented my ideas coherently. This approach made it easier for the reader to understand the content and ideas presented.

In terms of writing, I realized that clear and concise communication is vital in effectively conveying ideas and data. By skillfully incorporating credible sources and data to support my claims, I was able to make a more persuasive argument. I also learned how to adapt my writing style and language to the intended audience and effectively communicate the purpose of the report.

Reviewing my classmate’s report was a valuable learning experience that provided me with a fresh perspective on report writing. It allowed me to understand different approaches to report writing and learn from the strengths and weaknesses of someone else’s work. For instance, I noticed that my classmate included a bullet point summary of her suggestions in the conclusion, which is something I will now be incorporating in my report. Peer review helped me develop a new perspective and approach to my report.

Overall, the process of researching, organizing, writing, and reviewing a formal report draft has taught me invaluable skills that I can apply to future projects. It has taught me how to critically evaluate sources, structure reports in an intuitive and coherent way, and communicate ideas effectively to the intended audience.

Formal Report Draft