Forum #1

Consider the initial questions posed and the readings to frame your responses to the following questions. Why was a system of classification necessary, what principles are used for classification and what issues still arise with their use?

5 thoughts on “Forum #1

  1. Because it breaks the items down so they are easier to understand and compare. Compare and contrast is used as principles when using classification so you can break down everything. The issues can be not being accurate

  2. The system of class is necessary because it’s easier to understand and compare. The principles for using classification are compare, contrast and the data given to you. The issues can be not being accurate enough.

  3. Why isit important to classifie organism, because it helps to organise their similar physical apparence and others. To help categories them, with speciese.

  4. A system of classification is neccesary because we need to be able to seperate things and sort them so we can easily access and find them. Also if you break things down into groups and name them you can talk about a group of them at once. Also it helps preserve and share your research data. The principals of classication are to share your findings of the biological world in an easy understandable way.

  5. A system of classification is necessary to help organize different species and organisms. The principles used in classification depends on what you are classifying. Some organisms are hard to choose where to put on a classification chart which is a big issue.

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