Positive People

I just finished thanksgiving dinner with my family today. Nearly my whole family was at dinner, including my great uncle Tony. My Uncle Tony is a very successful business man, who has definitely proven himself in his field. As we were sitting around the dinner table, i began to talk to him about business in general. I asked him “how did you become so successful in your life, and what can i do to replicate your success?”. He told me that the secret to being successful in business is the same as being successful in anything. He told me that if you hang around with positive people, they only bring about positive things. If you hang around with negative people, they bring you farther from your goals.

After my family left from a great dinner, i took some time and thought about what this meant. What i came up with is that this is talking about networking and the people in your network.A good network, means good things can only happen. If you have a bad network, you are set up for failure. People can either bring you up or down, you just have to choose the right ones.

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